Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS)
JCIDS provides the baseline for documentation, review, and validation of capability requirements across the Department. Validated capability requirements documents facilitate DOTmLPF-P changes, guide the Defense Acquisition System (DAS), and inform the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) process.
Introduction to JCIDS. .....A-1 Capability development is “Concept Based and Threat Informed”. A-1 JCIDS Process Lanes.....A-2
DoD JCIDS Manual (Oct 21) | www.dau.edu
The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) Manual provides policy guidance on the organization and operation of JCIDS, including the International Acquisition & Exportability aspects of JCIDS-related analysis and decision-making that impact DoD acquisition programs efforts.
Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System
The Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) is the formal United States Department of Defense (DoD) process which defines acquisition requirements and evaluation criteria for future defense programs. [1]
2015年12月18日 · Introduces common Gatekeeping between JCIDS and the requirements validation aspects in the process for acquisition of Defense Business Systems (DBS), ensuring visibility and ability for Joint Capabilities Board (JCB) or JROC
(2) Reference b establishes the JCIDS process as the primary means for the JROC to fulfill its advisory responsibilities to the CJCS in identifying, assessing, validating, and prioritizing joint military capability requirements. The description of the JCIDS process in reference b …
JCIDS Manual: Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities ...
It provides detailed guidelines and procedures for JCIDS to facilitate robust capability requirements portfolio management and the timely and cost-effective development of capability solutions for the warfighter.
The purpose of JCIDS is to manage the portfolio of Department of Defense capability requirements by providing a framework in which to review and validate capability requirement documents.
Joint Capabilities Integrated Development System (JCIDS) Manual
This document outlines the JCIDS guidance, processes, and documents. It applies to the Joint Staff, Services, Combatant Commands, Combat Support Agencies, and other DoD Components. Dated 30 Aug 2021.
JCIDS documents designated as “Joint Information”, Sponsors should comply with JCIDS format to the max extent practical, but strict compliance is not necessary or mandatory. The focus should be