strategies, and system training plan (STRAP) development. Applicability. This guide applies to TRADOC and organizations that execute the JCIDS process for system and non-system TSS products,...
Introduction to JCIDS. .....A-1 Capability development is “Concept Based and Threat Informed”. A-1 JCIDS Process Lanes.....A-2
Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System
The JCIDS process starts with the development of joint integrating concepts and the capability they imply from the US Secretary of Defense (SecDef) and combatant commanders. From the joint integrating concepts, the joint chiefs of staff refine requirements and develop an integrated priority list via a joint quarterly readiness review.
- [PDF]
TRADOC - AcqNotes
2009年6月16日 · intended to replace or replicate the JCIDS Manual in its entirety. 1. CPD Format and template. The CPD format described below and included on the attached template is mandatory for all Army-developed CPDs. The information in this guide complies with instructions provided by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Chairman of the
Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS)
JCIDS provides the baseline for documentation, review, and validation of capability requirements across the Department. Validated capability requirements documents facilitate DOTmLPF-P changes, guide the Defense Acquisition System (DAS), and inform the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) process.
Logistics Materiel Readiness Directorate (LMRD) - United States …
Develop, coordinate and update the Logistics Systems Training Plan (STRAP). Coordinate with appropriate activities and schools to prepare/submit input to the STRAP, providing concepts, detail...
美国国防采办决策支持系统及相关工具 - 360doc.cn
2023年10月3日 · JCIDS与规划-计划-预算-执行系统(Planning Programming Budgeting and Execution,PPBE),又称资源分配或预算系统、DAS,又称收购或采购系统,三者共同构成了美军决策支持的制度体系,它们之间相互协调、相互制衡,形成了一个有机融合的整体。此外,JCIDS系统内各步骤和 ...
JCIDS要点简要梳理_能力_评审_美国防部 - 搜狐
2024年9月24日 · 1、联合能力集成和开发系统(jcids)是美国防部在2003年发布的军事需求获取方法,用于替代需求生成系统(rgs),旨在以能力为中心的方式,生成跨越各军种、机构的统筹规划、部署和运用的联合军事力量,避免原来以单个军种需求生成带来的能力冗余、力量 ...
JCIDS Manual: Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities ...
These responsibilities include assessing joint military capabilities, and identifying, approving, and prioritizing gaps in these capabilities, to meet applicable requirements in the National Defense Strategy (NDS).
Why Do We Need JCIDS? JCIDS helps the JROC do its job: meet statutory requirements outlined in 10 U.S. Code 18: – “(1) assist the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff— (A) in identifying, assessing, and approving joint military requirements (including existing systems and equipment) to meet the national military strategy;
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