JCTLM Database
2024年2月15日 · The JCTLM Database lists higher-order reference materials, measurement methods and services to be used in calibration hierarchies for value assigning calibrators and trueness control materials for quantities measured by in vitro diagnostic medical devices.
Home - JCTLM
A global resource for traceability in laboratory medicine and in vitro diagnostics. Information on how to submit new reference materials, measurement methods and measurement services for evaluation. Membership and procedures for the review teams that evaluate new reference materials, measurement methods, and measurement services.
Database Procedures - BIPM
2022年2月1日 · JCTLM-DBWG/P-01A Outline of JCTLM procedures for material and method nomination review 2022/02/01
About us - JCTLM
The JCTLM is an international consortium that promotes the global standardization of clinical laboratory test results and provides information on reference materials, reference measurement procedures, and services that are available from around the world.
Laboratory medicine: JCTLM - BIPM
The JCTLM was created in response to the implementation of the European Community Directive 98/79/EC on in vitro medical devices. The JCTLM Executive Committee oversees its operations, and is the JCTLM's impartial final decision-making organ.
【冯仁丰】分析检验结果的标准化和协调一致性 4 - 小桔灯网
2024年9月5日 · 国际度量衡委员会(the International Cimmi-ttee of Weights and Measures)和国际临床化学联合会(IFCC,the International Federation for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine)声明合作,2002年创建了检验医学溯源性联合委员会(JCTLM)。 JCTLM保持了网上的数据库,列出了RM、RMP、和参考实验室名单。 参考实验室承诺RMP服务,符合这些参考系统的组分,列在了Box 7.2。 JCTLM使用结构化审核流程和检查证据,参考系统的组分符合ISO …
Commutability - JCTLM
Commutability of serum protein values: persisting bias among manufacturers using values assigned from the certified reference material 470 (CRM 470) in the United States. Clin Chem Lab Med, 39(11), 1129-1133.
Optimizing Available Tools for Achieving Result Standardization: …
2021年11月24日 · We produced a synopsis of JCTLM-listed higher-order CRMs and RMPs for the selected measurands, including their main characteristics for implementing traceability and fulfilling (or not) the APS for suitable MU.
《测量结果的计量溯源性要求》正公开征求意见(附全文)_检测资 …
2021年5月20日 · 国际检验医学溯源联合委员会(jctlm)由国际计量局(bipm)、国际临床化学与检验医学联合会(ifcc)和国际实验室认可合作组织(ilac)共同成立,其为指导和促进国际医学检验公认的测量等效性及适当测量标准的溯源性提供全球平台。
冯仁丰 | 病人标本检测结果一致性 5|冯仁丰|胱抑素|实验室|标本|病 …
2022年7月3日 · jctlm确定了特定蛋白免疫参考方法. 在免疫检测参考系列上,多年前经常在争论:哪个检测方法是最好的?很长时间内,临床实验室总是被误解认为:免疫散射比浊最好、而且它就是特定蛋白检测的参考方法。