Duke, The Java Mascot - Dev.java
From interactive host of Star7 to official mascot of the Java technology, Duke has a long and colorful history
Java Downloads | Oracle
JDK 24 is the latest release of the Java SE Platform. JDK 21 is the latest Long-Term Support (LTS) release of the Java SE Platform. Earlier JDK versions are available below. JDK 24 binaries are free to use in production and free to redistribute, at no cost, under the Oracle No-Fee Terms and Conditions (NFTC).
Main - Main - OpenJDK Wiki
2019年9月13日 · Duke is the Java mascot, which was open sourced by Sun on November 13, 2006 under the New BSD license. What does "Open Source Duke" mean? It means all you Duke fans have the original mascot for Java technology to play with. With your creative designs, you can give Duke a personal touch.
Duke - OpenJDK
Duke is the Java mascot, which was open sourced by Sun on November 13, 2016. This Project is sponsored by the Core Libraries Group.
Gallery - Gallery - OpenJDK Wiki
2020年3月2日 · The original Illustrator files (as well as SVG files) for these Duke images can be found in the Duke mercurial repository. Note that for some of the images below, additional mods may have done in photoshop. The below images are sample rendered bitmaps from the 3D Duke models found in the HG repo.
Java and the New Duke Personality - Oracle Blogs
2019年9月12日 · In fact, at about the same time Java was first introduced and the first Java cup logo was commissioned, Duke became the official mascot of Java technology. In 2006, Duke was officially “open sourced” under a BSD license.
Java developer for +10 years, didn't realize the java mascot ... - Reddit
2019年9月13日 · I never actually processed that this guy was the Java mascot. I'd seen him around years ago, but wasn't absolutely sure what he was supposed to be attached to as I was a new Java only developer at the time.
New Duke Personality: Scientist Duke - Oracle Blogs
2013年8月26日 · Duke is the official mascot of Java technology. Each year, Oracle releases a new Duke personality. This year we offer "Scientist Duke." Much like a genius developer would with Java technologies, Scientist Duke is engaged in developing, mixing, testing the latest ingredients to create the greatest fo...
You always wondered: Duke, the Java Mascot #Java #Duke @Oracle
2019年3月7日 · Have you ever wondered what Duke the Java Mascot is? Is it a red-nosed Starfleet communicator badge or a canine tooth? And why don’t we see much of him anymore? Here’s some of our effor…
Java Duke Mascot - Marek Hudyma
2021年5月1日 · Efforts around Duke are now hosted as “Project Duke” at OpenJDK. When the good old coffee cup logo was commissioned for Java, Duke became the language’s official mascot. Duke uses 5 colors which are Black (#000000), White (#FFFFFF), Pigment Red (#ED1D25), Tart Orange (#F14C4D) and Melon (#FAB9A8) source.