JDM F17 - KVF Quad Corporation - studylib.net
JDM F17 specifies the paint performance requirements of John Deere products worldwide. It. equipment whether painted by a John Deere factory, supplier, paint service provider, or any other entity. JDM F17 specifies performance requirements for primed …
Supplier Quality Manual | JDSN - John Deere
The goal of the John Deere Supplier Quality Manual is to provide a uniform method for all John Deere units to communicate general requirements, expectations, and guidelines to the supply chain.
JDM F17油漆性能企业规范 - 豆丁网
2012年11月7日 · 1.2JDMF17规定了基本零件和最终喷漆零件的性能要求。 其适用于除JDMF14或JDM. F20中涵盖表面的所有喷漆表面。 注1此标准发布时,JDMF20在筹备之中。 1.3JDMF17不涵盖外观要求。 外观要求依赖于单独的单元、产品或标准平台。 1.4JDMF17不涵盖基体要求。 本标准假定基体的情况不会影响最终的喷漆质量。 1.5使用JDMF17X1中定义的合格喷漆材料。 使用JDMF17X2中定义的合格喷漆步骤。 2术语和定义. 下列术语和定义适用于JDMF17的目的: …
JDM F17: Enterprise Specification For Paint Performance
1.2 JDM F17 specifies performance requirements for primed parts and final paint parts. JDM F17 applies. to all painted surfaces with the exception of those covered in JDM F14 or JDM F20. …
JDV 30 Paint Process Standard for JDM F17 & F20 - studylib.net
John Deere standard JDV 30 outlines paint process prerequisites for JDM F17 & F20 performance. Covers scope, definitions, and process requirements.
John Deere Appearance Standard JDHZ 610 - studylib.net
Paint and plating performance shall be displayed as specified in JDM F17, JDM F20, JDM F23 or other appropriate standards. Unless otherwise specified, the stated class and specifications shall apply to the entire part or assembly.
JDM F17 specifies the paint performance requirements of John Deere products worldwide. It defines paint performance requirements for simple parts, assembled components, and fully assembled equipment whether painted by a John Deere factory, supplier, paint service provider, or any other entity.
JDM F17 - 豆丁网
2013年10月17日 · JDM F17 paint performance shal l be designated using the overal l format shown in Figure 1 The designation consists of the fol lowing, in the order indicated: , standard numberJDM F17 , designation of the final paint coloraccording to JDM F9(if other than a primer is required), designation of the final paint performance level according to JDM ...
前框 - Hiyum Industries-铸铁件,铸钢件,机加工件
材料:Cast Iron Grade:JDM B8 N700E2/QT700-2/ASTM 100-70-3 画:粉末涂料, JDM F17A2+ZZ2 Weight:77.3公斤
Front Frame - Hiyum Industries-Iron castings,Steel …
Grade:JDM B8 N700E2/QT700-2/ASTM 100-70-3 Paint:Powder Coating, JDM F17A2+ZZ2 Weight:77.3kg