LITTELFUSE, 10 A, 600V AC, Fuse - 486J71|JTD010 - Grainger
Time-delay, nonindicating UL Class J fuses tolerate temporary inrush currents without opening, which prevents nuisance-blowing from motor and equipment startups. Also called slow-blow Class J fuses, they open to disconnect an electrical circuit when exposed to …
Products - J.D. Theile GmbH & Co. KG
Stationary and flexible automation and feeding solutions. Guidelines and documents for your support.
LITTELFUSE JTD-10 10 AMP, 600 V, Cartridge Type, Fuse, TIME …
2014年5月17日 · 10 AMP, 600 V, CARTRIDGE TYPE, FUSE, TIME DELAY; Part Number: JTD-10; Category: Panel Accessories; Subcategory: Fuse
John Deere Servicegard Expanding Cone - JDT10 - GreenPartStore
John Deere Servicegard Expanding Cone - JDT10-John Deere Servicegard Expanding Cone Use to expand and hold differential shaft snap rings while JDT3 or
JDT-10 トグル型ファスナー 1箱(20個) JAPPY 【通販モノタロウ】
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Littelfuse JTD010ID 10A Time Delay Class J Indicating Fuse, 600 …
These time-delay, dual-element fuses carry the Littelfuse POWR-PRO advanced technology designation and are specifically designed for circuits where space is at a premium. They are ideal for use in systems with high in-rush currents. The JTD_ID fuses offer a patented design that reduces nuisance fuse openings.
トグル型ファスナー JDT-10 20本 | inaba_jappy | JAPPY - 日本の電 …
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JTD-10 - National Fuse
Amperage Rating: 10. Voltage: 600. UPC: 7945820209. Department: 24. Series: JTD. Catalog / Class: J. Speed: TIME DELAY. SKU: JTD-10. Category: J Fuses *Prices Subject to Change
因幡電機産業 トグル型ファスナー JDT-10 20コ 1箱(20個)(直送 …
通販ならアスクル(ソロエルアリーナ)。因幡電機産業 トグル型ファスナー jdt-10 20コ 1箱(20個)(直送品)を、最短当日お届け。【法人は2000円(税込)以上配送料当社負担 ※配送料・お届けは条件にて異なります】
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