Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) | Products | JEOL Ltd.
JEOL can offer a wide range of lineups from general purpose scanning electron microscopes (W-SEM) including a benchtop type that allows operations just to anyone without specific knowledge and techniques, to high-end models of field emission scanning electron microscopes (FE-SEM).
Scanning Electron Microscope | SEM - JEOL USA
From our most powerful flagship Field Emission SEM with the ultimate resolution, magnification, and analytical flexibility, to our easy-to-use entry level Benchtop SEM, JEOL offers a wide choice of SEMs to suit all applications.
JSM-IT800 Schottky Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope ... - JEOL
The JSM-IT800 incorporates our "In-lens Schottky Plus field emission electron gun" for high resolution imaging to fast elemental mapping, and an innovative electron optical control system "Neo Engine", as well as a system of seamless GUI "SEM Center" for fast elemental mapping with a fully embedded JEOL energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS ...
走査電子顕微鏡 (SEM) | 製品情報 | JEOL 日本電子株式会社
日本電子 (JEOL) の製品情報をご紹介。 電子顕微鏡 (TEM,SEM) 、核磁気共鳴装置 (NMR) や質量分析装置 (MS) などの理科学計測機器・医用機器・半導体関連機器・産業機器の製造・販売・開発・研究を手がける。
Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) | Science Basics - JEOL
The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) normally detects secondary electrons to form an image for observation. As the intensity of the generated secondary electrons varies depending on the angle of the incident electrons onto the specimen surface, subtle variations in the roughness of the surface can be expressed according to the signal intensity.
JEOL USA Inc. | Global Supplier For SEM, TEM, NMR, Mass Spec
JEOL is a world leader in electron optical and analytical equipment and instrumentation for high-end scientific and industrial research and development.
Benchtop SEM | Backscatter Electron Detectors - JEOL USA
A benchtop SEM with both secondary electron and backscatter electron detectors, plus high and low vacuum modes allow for the study of a wide variety of sample types.
Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) - JEOL
With JEOL electron microscopes it is possible to image and three-dimensionally reconstruct not only the smallest of biological structures such as viruses, but also microscale objects such as synapses or cells.
光学显微镜 - JSM-IT810 - Jeol/日本电子株式会社 - SEM / FE-SEM …
JSM-IT810 系列 FE-SEM 集多功能性和高空间分辨率于一身。 内置的无编码自动化成像和 EDS 分析功能可简化高效的工作流程。 新功能可确保为所有 SEM 用户提供高质量的数据和更好的用户体验。
JSM-IT710HR Scanning Electron Microscope | Products - JEOL
The newly born JSM-IT710HR is the fourth-generation model of JEOL's HR* series, which is based on the theme of "SEM that allows anyone to easily take high-resolution images.
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