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Changes have been made to the Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) rules and standards to reduce the administrative burden and assist programs in achieving and maintaining their SUTQ rating. This document outlines the changes to SUTQ forms that are effective April 15, 2022.
Rules and Forms | Job and Family Services
Guide to Public Participation in the Rule-Making Process. Child Care Forms. The most recent version of all DCY Forms referenced in Chapters 12 through 18, can be accessed through Forms Central. Information for childcare rules and relevant forms.
• Removed the JFS 01591 "Curriculum Standard Assessment Alignment Tool: Pre-Kindergarten Strand for Step Up To Quality" and JFS 01593 “Curriculum Standard Assessment Alignment Tool: School Age for Step Up To Quality".
Three-Star Requirement Summary Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) is a five-star quality rating and improvement system that recognizes and promotes early learning and development programs that exceed minimum health an. safety licensing regulations. Any licensed child care program wishing to provide publicly funded child care must be a star-rate.
Contact Us | Job and Family Services
You can contact the Office of Unemployment Insurance Operations by calling 1-877-644-6562 (TTY 711 or 1-800-750-0750) between 8 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday (except holidays). You can also fax to 614-466-7449. To contact us via U.S. mail, send correspondence to the following address:
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Most Ohio Department of Job and Family Services programs are administered by local agencies, so you can get the assistance you need right in your own county. Employers, find what you need to understand and meet your unemployment insurance obligations. Child Support payments can be made online from the Customer Service Web Portal.
CHILDREN RESIDING IN THE HOME Relationship to Applicant #1 Relationship to Applicant #2
Develop an individualized transition plan with families that supports the child’s transition. For transitions into or within programs, host a welcome party, create a personalized cubby for the child, arrange a home visit and/or assign the child a buddy.
JUFAN君帆磁性开关JFS-01U JFS-04H JFS-02U现货 JFS-13【图片
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