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Changes have been made to the Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) rules and standards to reduce the administrative burden and assist programs in achieving and maintaining their SUTQ rating. This document outlines the changes to SUTQ forms that are effective April 15, 2022.
Forms | Job and Family Services
The case manager or applicant must document on the JFS 13188 or JFS 13186 which specific elements of eligibility are being attested (e.g., age, birthdate, authorization to work, income, barrier to employment, etc.) and how the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
Providers | Program Standards | Bold Beginning!
The Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) rules detail the requirements for programs participating in SUTQ. The rules outline the program standards which include four domains: The following link takes you to SUTQ rule 5101:2-17-01 which includes the program standards. SUTQ Standards .
Rules and Forms | Job and Family Services
Guide to Public Participation in the Rule-Making Process. Child Care Forms. The most recent version of all DCY Forms referenced in Chapters 12 through 18, can be accessed through Forms Central. Information for childcare rules and relevant forms.
Program Standards, Rules and Forms - Ohio
These rules detail the requirements for participation and outline the program standards.
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Most Ohio Department of Job and Family Services programs are administered by local agencies, so you can get the assistance you need right in your own county. Employers, find what you need to understand and meet your unemployment insurance obligations. Child Support payments can be made online from the Customer Service Web Portal.
JFS系列变频高速分散机 -力辰科技(LICHEN)- 新一代实验室的选 …
JFS钻井液体系在合平1井定向段的应用 - 百度文库
改善薄水泥环的力学性能以满足后期施工的要求。 双层组合套管、特制套管(如特厚壁套管)。 (2)优选抗盐水泥浆体系。 目前国内外在解决盐. 含量,控制坂土含量在 35~40g/L。 更好的封堵能力。 地层破碎、掉块严重等特性(见图 1)。 通过地震资料分. 具有良好的即时护壁能力和封堵能力。 因此造成钻井施工难度大。 浆体系是固井质量的前提。 具有较好的高温高稳定性和润滑性。 检测钻井液性能,实验结果见表 2。 [J].钻井液与完井液,2005,22 (7). 探技术,2006,34 (6). …
畅捷通 (01588) 股票股价_股价行情_财报_数据报告 - 雪球
财中社12月30日电 畅捷通(01588)发布公告,宣布与其控股股东用友签订物业租赁框架协议,协议期限为三年,将于2025年1月1日生效,至2027年12月31日届满。