Special Forces Group (Japan) - Wikipedia
The Special Forces Group (特殊作戦群, Tokushu-sakusengun) is the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force's special forces unit established on March 27, 2004. Their mission is infiltration into enemy territory, reconnaissance, sabotage, and hostage rescue, [ 2 ] and conducting military operations against guerrillas or enemy commandos .
List of equipment of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force
1st Airborne Brigade, JGSDF Air Defense Artillery Groups Also known as "Old Camo" or "Airborne Camo", it is the first camo scheme adopted by Japan after World War II. It is based on Hokkaido's wilderness (effective in Sasa veitchii field).
Japanese Special Forces Group (SFGp) - Grey Dynamics
2024年9月7日 · The Japanese Special Forces Group (SFGp), or the 特殊作戦群 (Tokushusakusengun), originally known as the Special Operations Group (SOG) prior to a name change on March 26, 2008, was established on March 27, 2004 under the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Forces. The SFGp is mandated to conduct counter-terrorism, hostage rescue and …
特殊作战群 - 百度百科
日本特殊作战群(英文:JGSDF Special Forces Group:SFGp)是日本于2004年3月27日成立的日本自卫队特种部队,配备轻装甲机动车等各种装备,并由受过近距离射击等训练的人员组成。
Special Forces Group (Japan) | Military Wiki | Fandom
2004年3月27日 · The SFGp has access to equipment used by the JGSDF, such as the Komatsu LAVs and Toyota Koukidoushas for transport and reconnaissance use. They also work in conjunction with the 1st Helicopter Brigade to provide mobility support, though they can be also deployed via C-130 Hercules aircraft.
陸上自衛隊特殊作戰群 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
特殊作戰群與 第1空降團 一同駐紮於位於 千葉縣 船橋市 內的 習志野駐屯地。 [1] 該團的最初名稱為 特別任務群,直到2008年時才改為現名。 日本媒體一般多以 特戰群 、 特戰 、 特作 等簡稱代指該單位,而其成員多半被稱為 S。 特殊作戰群經常被稱為 日本 的「三角洲部隊」,這是因為該單位在 陸上自衛隊 中扮演相當精銳而專業的角色所致。 在特殊作戰群成立之前, 三角洲部隊 就一直負責協助 陸上自衛隊 建立該單位的基礎。 [2] 與特殊作戰群角色相近的民間單位為隸屬於 警 …
日本特殊作戰群(英文:JGSDF Special Forces Group:SFGp)是日本於2004年3月27日成立的日本自衛隊 特種部隊,配備輕裝甲機動車等各種裝備,並由受過近距離射擊等訓練的人員組成。
Special Forces Group | Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There! Wiki
The Japanese Special Force Group (特殊作戦群 Tokushu Sakusen Gun) is an elite special forces/special operations force unit of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, trained in direct combat, counter-terrorism operations, unconventional warfare, and acting as …
More about the brigades / Faction organization | JGSDF Webpage
Welcome to JGSDF's toughest and elite brigade, the Special Forces Group. The SFGp is a military unit consisting of those who have undergone the serious selection and training process with unforgiving conditions to bring honor upon the JGSDF and themselves.
陸上自衛隊特殊作戦群とは何? わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書
特殊作戦群 (とくしゅさくせんぐん、 英: JGSDF Special Operations Group [4][5])は、 習志野駐屯地 に 群本部 を置く 陸上自衛隊 陸上総隊 隷下の 特殊部隊 である。 略称 の「特戦群」や、 隠語 としてSpecialの イニシャル から「S」と呼ばれることもある。 また、公文書上では「専門部隊 (習志野) [6]」「Special Forces Group (Narashino) [7]」という表記がされる場合があるが、広報においては専ら「特殊作戦群」および「Special Operations Group (SOG)」呼称が通例 …