JJ Electronic - 300 B
300B is a power triode with a directly heated cathode and power of 40 W, mostly for Hi-Fi application. Detailed and clear sound provides real musical reproduction.
JJ 300B Vacuum Power Tubes - www.thetubestore.com
The JJ Electronics 300B vacuum power tube provides a lush, detailed, and harmonically rich sound. This tube boasts a classic 300B tube sound signature, a distinct emphasis on warmth and midrange presence.
几种高端300B的对比:JJ300B、AVVT-32B、VV30B、Tak-300B( …
2019年3月30日 · 把捷克JJ管放在这里是因为它是Linear X的原管,代表原厂的调教。 因此这里把它作为一个评判标尺。 之前这款胆机的标配管是全真300B,由于匹配度的问题不再使用。
说说最近的两次盲狙(2020.2.28更新JJ 300B对比) - 台式耳机系 …
2019年7月11日 · 经过上百个小时的煲机与对比,个人更倾向于JJ 300B,透明度明显更好,素质更高。 GZ34,试了matsushita、RCA和reissue mullard,差距不大。 还有一对svetlana 5C3S正在从俄罗斯过来的路上,据说很不错。 期待! studio jr上还有一支很不起眼的小管5670,抱着尝试的心态更换它,起初对效果提升并没有抱太大的希望。 经过一番学习,貌似WE 386A是公认最好的替换管之一。 由于这款管子比较冷门,因此在存世的WE管之中价格不算太高。 在ebay上150刀 …
www.jj-electronic.com 300B A. F. TRiode Base: 4-PIN CERAMIC BASE Uf = 5 V if = 1,3 A Typical Characteristics: Ua = 300 V Ug1 = -61 V ia = 60 mA S = 5,5 mA/V Ri = 700 Ω µ = 3,85 Limiting Values: Ua = 450 V Wa = 40 W Maximum plate curent of everage tube for fixed bias ia = 70 mA Maximum plate curent for manually adjusted
JJ 300B Power Vacuum Tube - TubeDepot.com
The JJ 300B are precision matched at the factory. They come with a hand filled test sheet. These are a great alternative to the higher priced 300B tubes.
JJ 300B - テクソル オンラインショップ | 高品質真空管 (オー …
真空管 (オーディオ・ギターアンプ用など)・電子管や送信管、分光器・OTDR・暗室・IRセンサカードなどの光学機器、高耐圧セラミックコンデンサ、トロイダルトランス、ソフトウェアなどの製品を輸入販売しております。
300B - Eurotubes
**Builders: Keep yours eye peeled for the new JJ 300BH which is a 300B variant designed specifically for guitar amp applications. It's featured in the new JJ ONE Guitar Amp and will be available for individual sale shortly. We've been experimenting with this tube and it brings a whole new meaning to dynamics...
Vacuum Tube - 300B, JJ Electronics | Antique Electronic Supply
The JJ Electronic 300B features a rugged construction in a massive and thick glass envelope atop a white ceramic base. This triode has a full 40 Watts of power. The robust build of the JJ 300B offers high reliability in a classy package. Each tube comes with a factory certification with sets dual matched for anode current and gain.
300B - Vacuum tube | JJ Tubes
Vacuum tubes, capacitors, sockets specialized shop on production of JJ Electronic manufacturer.