联想B475A - 百度百科
联想 b475系列宽屏高性能笔记本电脑, 采用amd vision 2011平台技术,结合联想最新科技结晶,专门针对商用用户量身打造的笔记本精品。 能同时满足用户对于笔记本便携性和丰富多媒体应用的需求,是商务性能与娱乐性能完美结合的移动平台。
Home | JLG Industries
The new E313 Electric Telehandler -- ultra-compact, ultra-efficient, and ultra-ready to future-proof your competitive edge. The all-new ClearSky Smart Fleet -- the industry's first platform for true, two-way fleet management and interactivity.
【联想扬天B475参数】联想扬天B475系列笔记本电脑参数-ZOL中 …
联想将按国家有关部门颁布的《微型计算机商品修理更换退货责任规定》(以下称“三包”)中的内容和范围,向您提供“三包”服务。 自您购买本产品之日起,本产品整机免费保修2年(电池除 …
Equipment - JLG
From the latest access lifts to services, parts and technical support, JLG makes sure you have what you need to get the job done. Whether you're looking for an aerial platform or a material handling solution, all your access equipment needs can be filled with our wide range of products.
2013年1月25日 · 联想b475的cpu是e2-3000,可以进行升级吗,换成其他好一点的cpu,有什么建议吗,cpu是焊死的还是插的? 您好,笔记本使用的CPU型号,和台式机不一样,一般要比台机要小,有的是直接焊接到主板上的,那样的是不可能更换
Support & Services - JLG
From the moment you begin to own, operate, or rent JLG equipment, we are there to support you every step of the way. We offer a full range of service options to maintain your fleet, training on machine operation and maintenance, and safety resources to keep your fleet in optimal performance mode.
JLG is an Oshkosh Corporation Company [NYSE: OSK]. 捷尔杰JLG公司中国地区高空作业平台代理商中建锦程,jlg捷尔杰作为世界**的高空作业设备设计和制造企业,中国销售产品主要包含:剪叉式、曲臂式、直臂式、桅柱式和蜘蛛车等高空作业车。
联想B475价格报价行情 - 京东
英望 联想b475 z480 b480 g485键盘膜笔记本电脑保护膜防尘套 键盘膜(留言颜色)+14英寸磨砂屏幕膜
Rotating Telehandlers | JLG
JLG rotating telehandlers offer three machine types in one and 360-degree continuous rotation to increase versatility on congested job sites.
JLG® Online Express | JLG® 12V Starter Battery - 0400075
This 12-volt starter (Group 31) battery is used on a variety of JLG® boom (MEWP) lifts and scissor lifts. Used on the following JLG® Models: RS Series Boom Lifts - 24RS, 24RSJ