SCART to JP21 Adapters - RetroRGB
2019年10月4日 · Video Game Perfection has just started selling shielded Receptacle-to-Plug cables: Retro Gaming Cables also offers a dongle-style SCART to JP21 adapter: RGC SCART-to-JP21 Dongle. Retro-Access sells a wide variety of conversion choices and can offer even more with their custom configurator:
JP21 Foundation
2023年12月19日 · Founded in 2015, the JP21 Foundation is based on a sincere commitment to reigniting the passion and enthusiasm for the game of cricket in underprivileged communities and schools, particularly in the Western Cape areas of Mitchells Plain and Strandfontein.
EuroSCART versus JP21 - Retro Gaming Cables
The EuroSCART is a 21 pin audio/ video connector which is also know as the Euroconector, EuroAV or Péritel. This connector is identical to the 21 pin audio/ video connector used in Japan and Asia however this is referred to as the JP21, RGB-J or Japanese 21 pin (EIAJ TTC-003).
会社概要 - 株式会社ジェーピーツーワン
会社名: 株式会社ジェーピーツーワン: 所在地 〒411-0036 静岡県三島市一番町15-19 tgビル7f 地図はこちら: 設立: 平成11年7月14日: 事業内容
Bank Routing Number 021000021, Jpmorgan Chase Bank, Na - US Bank Locations
2021年10月28日 · Bank Routing Number 021000021 belongs to Jpmorgan Chase Bank, Na. It routing both FedACH and Fedwire payments.
JP - PSC-21™ Rifle and Upper Assemblies
Manufactured from 7075-T6 billet aluminum, the PSC-21™ includes a dust cover while carrying over the sleek, lightened design of the PSC-17™. The result is a flexible upper optimal for action shooting, precision carbine, hunting, or as a full-featured duty/defense rifle.
在日亚上下单买了XRGB-mini和SS的JP-21 RGB线,顺便问几个问题
2010年5月14日 · 接下来估计要入线材的坑了,PS, PS2, SMS, SNES, Genesis都得上。因为我的这些主机都是美版,如果这些主机对应的日版主机的日版RGB线(JP-21 RGB线)也可以用在美版机上,那还方便些,可以直接接到XRGB-mini上。如果不能,可能要考虑自己改XRGB-mini提供的RGB接口线了。
JP21 - 多灯用フィッティング台座取付金具 |照明器具検索・ダ …
JP21 - 多灯用フィッティング台座取付金具|岩崎電気の照明器具検索・ダウンロード。 商品仕様図 (承認図 納入仕様書)、配光図、姿図 (CADデータ)、取扱説明書などのダウンロードができます。
Java SE 21 Archive Downloads - Oracle
Java SE 21 Archive Downloads. Go to the Oracle Java Archive page. The JDK is a development environment for building applications using the Java programming language. The JDK includes tools useful for developing and testing programs written in the Java programming language and running on the Java TM platform.