Jumpable Plate Carrier™ - CRYE PRECISION
The JUMPABLE PLATE CARRIER™ (JPC) is a lightweight and minimal vest designed for maximum mobility, weight savings, and packability. At just over one pound for the entire carrier, the JPC™ offers a variety of configuration options to suit an operator’s needs in terms of load carriage and comfort.
JPC - Crye Precision
The JPC is a lightweight, minimal vest designed for maximum mobility and comfort.
军警科普文:战术背心中的cpc jpc spc等分别是什么?
2021年2月5日 · JPC—‘Jumpable Plate Carrier ’是Crye Precision公司轻量型载板背心. SPC—‘Scalable Plate Carrier’是美国海军陆战队(USMC,United States Marine Corps)替代MTV重型防弹背心(Modular Tactical Vest)的轻量化载板背心,后来和MTV形成互补。 XPC是国内战术军品厂商COMBAT2000改进JPC的国产化轻型背心。 来源:知乎.
Crye Precision Jumpable Plate Carrier™ (JPC) - Bravo Company
The JUMPABLE PLATE CARRIER™ (JPC) is a lightweight and minimal vest designed for maximum mobility, weight savings, and packability. At just over one pound for the entire carrier, the JPC™ offers a variety of configuration options to suit an operator's needs in terms of load carriage and comfort.
Crye Precision JPC 1.0 | Jumpable Plate Carrier | RMA Armament
The Crye Precision JPC 1.0 (JUMPABLE PLATE CARRIER™) is a lightweight and minimal tactical body armor vest designed for maximum mobility, weight savings, and packability. At just over one pound for the entire carrier, the Crye JPC™ 1.0 offers a variety of configuration options to suit an operator’s needs in terms of load carriage and comfort.
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Crye Precision JPC VS CPC——对比评测_作战装具_战甲军品资料网
2020年6月28日 · JPC是一种不太适合进行重量分配的轻型携板背心,很多人都说它不舒适,但是,在进行评判之前,重要的是正确地去配置它。 之前,我的挂载方式完全错误,要不是别人指出我完全不知道问题所在。 使用JPC时防弹插板直接贴合在的身体上,因此,调整插板所处的位置是使用的关键。 经历了错误和试验后,我的建议是让前后两块插板都处于较高的位置。 作为参考,这意味着前板的顶部边缘需要与你的颈静脉切迹(jugular notch)大致齐平(参见下图)(我大 …
The JPC (JUMPABLE PLATE CARRIER) 2.0™ is a lightweight and minimal armor vest designed for maximum mobility, weight savings, and packability. At just over one pound for the entire carrier, the JPC 2.0™ offers a variety of configuration options to suit an operator’s needs in terms of protection, modularity, and comfort.
JPC 2.0™ Maritime - CRYE PRECISION
The JPC (JUMPABLE PLATE CARRIER) 2.0™ MARITIME is a lightweight and minimal armor vest designed for maximum mobility, weight savings, and packability. At just over one pound for the entire carrier, the JPC 2.0™ MARITIME offers a variety of configuration options to suit an operator’s needs in terms of protection, modularity, and comfort.
Crye Precision Jumpable Plate Carrier JPC 2.0 (Color: Black / …
The JPC 2.0 is a lightweight and minimal armor vest designed for maximum mobility, weight savings, and packability. At just over one pound for the entire carrier, the JPC 2.0 offers a variety of configuration options to suit an operators needs in terms of protection, modularity, and comfort.
Crye Precision Ranger Green JPC 2.0 - Ethos Tactical
The JPC 2.0™ is a lightweight and minimal armor vest designed for maximum mobility, weight savings, and packability. At just over one pound for the entire carrier, the JPC 2.0™ offers a variety of configuration options to suit an operator’s needs in …