Deep Space Network | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN) is an international network of facilities managed and operated by JPL's Interplanetary Network Directorate. The DSN supports interplanetary spacecraft missions, radio astronomy, radar astronomy and related observations for the exploration of the solar system and the universe.
DSN Now - Deep Space Network Now
This online tool will let you see what the DSN is up to right now. Which antennas are currently in use? Which spacecraft are talking to us? How quickly is data being received? How long does a signal take to get there, and back? The grid of antennas show you …
Deep Space Network - NASA
2024年5月24日 · NASA’s Deep Space Network is a powerful system for commanding, tracking and monitoring the health and safety of spacecraft at many distant planetary locales. The DSN also enables powerful science investigations that probe the nature of asteroids and the interiors of planets and moons.
NASA Deep Space Network - Wikipedia
The NASA Deep Space Network (DSN) is a worldwide network of spacecraft communication ground segment facilities, located in the United States (California), Spain , and Australia (Canberra), that supports NASA's interplanetary spacecraft missions.
DSN Now - eyes.nasa.gov
Below is the current state of the Deep Space network as established from available data updated every 5 seconds. Click a dish to learn more about the live connection between the spacecraft and the ground. DSN Now is driven by real-time data provided by the ground stations of the Deep Space Network and is updated every 5 seconds.
NASA’s Deep Space Network Turns 60 and Prepares for the Future
2023年12月22日 · Managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California for SCaN, the DSN allows missions to track, send commands to, and receive scientific data from faraway spacecraft. To ensure those spacecraft can always connect with Earth, the DSN’s 14 antennas are divided between three complexes spaced equally around the world – in ...
DSN Science - NASA Deep Space Network
(NASA/JPL-Caltech) Several times per week, the DSN antennas capture signals from the two Voyager spacecraft, which are exploring the edge of interstellar space. Their signal has a received power 20 billion times weaker than that of a digital wristwatch.
What Does the DSN Do? - NASA
2020年3月30日 · The Deep Space Network, or DSN, is much more than a collection of big antennas. It is a powerful system for commanding, tracking and monitoring the health and safety of spacecraft at many distant planetary locales. The DSN also enables powerful science investigations that probe the nature of asteroids and the interiors of planets and moons ...
深空网络 - 百度百科
深空网络(Deep Space Network, DSN),由美国国家航空航天局(NASA)建立,成为美国国家航空航天局喷气推进实验室(JPL)的一部分。 它是一个支持星际任务、无线电通信以及利用射电天文学观察探测太阳系和宇宙的国际天线网络,这个网络同样也支持某些特定的地球轨道 ...
Telecommunications Link Design Handbook - NASA Deep Space Network
The handbook is primarily concerned with performance parameters of equipment that supports the forward and return telecommunications link interfaces between spacecraft and the DSN. The handbook consists of modules that present technical information applicable to the current DSN configuration and preliminary information applicable to future DSN ...