PEO CS&CSS: Joint Program Office Joint Light Tactical Vehicles
2024年11月19日 · Developing and empowering the premier acquisition workforce to deliver and support the world's best light tactical vehicle to the joint force and coalition partners to accomplish the mission. -...
JPO JLTV - United States Army
2023年12月15日 · The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) program is an Army-led, joint modernization program designed to replace a portion of Army and Marine Corps light tactical wheeled...
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), known and marketed under Oshkosh development as the L-ATV (Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle), is a light utility/combat multi-role vehicle.
JLTV-T = Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Trailer. ISV = Infantry Squad Vehicle. eLRV = Electric Light Reconnaissance Vehicle
来认识一下美军战车JLTV,悍马的新表亲 - 知乎
JLTV是一种四座多用途车辆,有多种配置。 它可以是通用型,也可以是重型火炮运载型,在顶部有一个火炮炮塔,可以容纳第五名乘员,或者是近战武器运载型,士兵可以发射反车辆武器,比如“陶”式反坦克导弹。 此外,它还有一个双座的实用版。 作为一种“联合战术”车辆,JLTV主要被陆军和海军陆战队使用。 它最引人注目的是高间隙,可以越过狭窄的战壕,爬小山和砾石坡道,甚至压过滚木。 奥什科什防务公司 称, 该车的主要卖点是能够保护车内人员免受路边炸弹的伤害。 …
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Family of Vehicles (FoV) is a Joint Army and Marine Corps program that provides vehicles, along with companion trailers, capable of performing multiple mission roles while providing protected, sustained, and networked mobility for personnel and payloads across the full spectrum of military operations.
Market for Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Booming Overseas
2024年2月29日 · AM General's JLTV A2 prototype. CHARLOTTE, North Carolina — Foreign military sales of the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle are taking off, and potential overseas customers are already inquiring about its next version, military truck officials said Feb. 28.
U.S. Army STAND-TO! | Joint Light Tactical Vehicles Program
2019年2月6日 · The Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV) program is a U.S. Army-led, joint modernization program to replace many existing High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles...
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Family of Vehicles (FoV) is a Joint Army and Marine Corps program that provides vehicles, along with companion trailers, capable of performing multiple mission roles while providing protected, sustained, and networked mobility for personnel and payloads across the full spectrum of military operations. •
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle team celebrates second Packard …
WARREN, Mich. (Feb. 22, 2016) -- Leaders from the Joint Project Office for Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JPO JLTV) celebrated receiving DOD's David Packard Award in Acquisition Excellence for...
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