Yugoslav Radio Television - Wikipedia
Yugoslav Radio Television (Jugoslavenska radiotelevizija/Југословенска радиотелевизија or Jugoslavenska radio-televizija/Југословенска радио-телевизија; JRT/ЈРТ) was the national public broadcasting system in the SFR Yugoslavia.
JRT Tvz (RTVNS) - Dnevnik ćirilica (17.05.1987) Start-up
Kako je dobilo tu JRT TVNS Špica dnevnika 1983-1.3.1990-te godine u Tv Zagrebu
HRT1 | Logopedia | Fandom
As a part of Yugoslav Radio Television (JRT), HRT1 was first called Television Zagreb (TVZ) and it was simply referred to "1. program" ("1st channel"). In 1990, TVZ was renamed to HRT1 (but mostly presented as HTV1 through various idents, jingles, etc.).
jrt tv Tran - YouTube
jrt tv
JRT - Još jedan kolaž starih TVB i TVZ telopa (1960-1980)
Razni telopi koji su na TV Beograd i TV Zagreb tokom šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina najavljivali emisije, ali i obaveštavali nas o tehničkim problemima u e...
JRT TV Zagreb 1 - Program plus, džingl (1988) - YouTube
2012年7月24日 · Jedan od džinglova noćnog programa TV Zagreb "Program plus".
Dnevnik (HRT) | Logopedia | Fandom
So far the only evidence is from a showreel about TVZ's then new look that premiered in the year 1987. The earliest point of this intro's usage was 20 September 1987. Used for joint newscasts during January 1990, especially during the 14th congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia held that month. Introduced on October 2, 2000.
JRT TV Zagreb - Dnevnik 2 (1989.) - Dailymotion
2020年12月28日 · Watch JRT TV Zagreb - Dnevnik 2 (1989.) - Tomislav Mix on Dailymotion. Search. Log in Sign up. Watch fullscreen. JRT TV Zagreb - Dnevnik 2 (1989.) Tomislav Mix. Follow. Like. Comments. Bookmark Share. Add to Playlist. Report. 5 years ago; Category.
Hrvatska radiotelevizija – Wikipedija
Hrvatska radiotelevizija je te godine i službeno istupila iz JRT-a. Početkom 1995. u Dom Radiotelevizije na Prisavlju seli se i Radio te je prvi put u povijesti većina djelatnosti Hrvatske radiotelevizije smještena na jednome mjestu. [3]