Stallard Arms INC Model JS 9mm - AnandTech Forums
2001年4月2日 · The Stallard JS-9MM's were first made starting in a man's garage. Mr. Stallard designed the gun and they were not mass produced like many of the hand guns are, Stallard made one gun at a time starting out, then he later partnered with a man named Haskel. The two men started making 9MM's and then added 45ACP's using the same design.
Question Script Error, Win 10 - AnandTech Forums
2025年1月1日 · You don't kill it in Processes, you use services.msc to DISABLE it. After running service.msc, pick it in the list, double click it, then on the window that pops up, on the General tab, click the "Startup Type" drop down menu and choose disabled, then "ok" or "apply" that.
Is there a way to trick the browser into setting the time forward?
2005年10月24日 · Currently taking traffic school online and the next page won't show up until 40 minutes elapsed...is there a way to trick the browser to thinking it's 40 minutes ahead? Done...after 7.5 hours Congratulations! you've passed. Your Score: 46 of 50
[html] How do I stop question mark diamonds from showing up …
2003年5月24日 · It is very common to mislabel Windows-1252 text with the charset label ISO-8859-1. A common result was that all the quotes and apostrophes (produced by "smart quotes" in word-processing software) were replaced with question marks or boxes on non-Windows operating systems, making text difficult to read.
How to dismantle a live bullet? - AnandTech Forums
2012年4月29日 · Put the casing (gently) in a vice...use pliers to remove the bullet. It's highly unlikely that the round will go off in the vice...but I don't know if you're trying to save the casing or the bullet....there are different ways to accomplish this, depending on your desired outcome.
*UPDATED* Limp Bizkit's Wes Borland and his contacts? *UPDATED*
2000年6月30日 · Oh and 9mm has them with no prescription.... H. hpkeeper Diamond Member. Jun 30, 2000 4,036 0 0. Nov 24 ...
WTF? Shotgun attachment to an AR-15? (PIC) - AnandTech Forums
2013年6月3日 · Your dominant hand moves from the rifle trigger to the shotgun trigger, your weak hand works the pump. At least, this has always been my assumption inferred from the M203...I can't say I've ever actually seen someone use the underslung shotgun thing.
How do you control BOINC on multiple computers?
2004年4月2日 · Now I have to run around the house telling all my computers it's ok to accept new work. I use "TeamViewer". It lets me look at a window of each rig on my main computer. Mouse, keyboard, copy/paste all work, even over WiFi. I'd be lost without it now. I only need Office on one of three computers...
What exactly does "pursuing a Ph.D" mean in this context?
2011年3月10日 · I'm a bit confused as to what that phrase means based on the list of requirements needed for this position: * Must be pursuing a Ph.D. degree with BS or MS degree already completed in Computer Science or related technical field. * Must have academic research experience in one or...
Cable modem coax cable issues through splitter.
2000年1月25日 · Modem works fine when directly connected to the jack, but not through a splitter, even when nothing is hooked up to the second outlet. The splitter is Regal DS2DGH10 5-1000MHz 120dB EMI Isolation 2 way splitter. Outputs say 3.5db. I tried it with a cheapo splitter from fry's too, same problem...