SAIT JS Functions AL: Grade Point Calculator · GitHub
// SAIT JS Functions AL: Grade Point Calculator // 🎓 Create a function called calculateGradePoint // The function should take one parameter: percentageGrade // Inside the function: // 1️⃣ Use if-else statements to determine the grade point based on SAIT's grading scale: // 90-100: 4.0
SAIT JS Functions AL: Graduation Eligibility Checker · GitHub
// SAIT JS Functions AL: Graduation Eligibility Checker // 🎓 Create a function called checkGraduationEligibility // The function should take three parameters: completedCredits, gpa, and requiredCredits // Inside the function: // 1️⃣ Check if the student has completed the required credits // 2️⃣ Check if the student's GPA is 2.0 or higher
Active Learning 1 : Exploring Number Variables - CodePen
Using packages here is powered by esm.sh, which makes packages from npm not only available on a CDN, but prepares them for native JavaScript ESM usage. All packages are different, so refer to their docs for how they work.
Sails.js | 基于 Node.js 的实时 MVC 框架 - Sails 框架
Sails 是最流行的 Node.js MVC 框架,旨在模拟像 Ruby on Rails 这样的框架的熟悉 MVC 模式,但支持现代应用程序的要求:数据驱动的 API 以及可扩展的、面向服务的架构。
SAIT JS Functions AL: Simple GPA Calculator · GitHub
// SAIT JS Functions AL: Simple GPA Calculator // 🎓 Create a function called calculateGPA // The function should take one parameter: grades (an array of numbers) // Inside the function: // 1️⃣ Initialize a variable to store the sum of grades // 2️⃣ Use a …
archabinx07/sait-js: Repository for JS exercises. - GitHub
Repository for JS exercises. Contribute to archabinx07/sait-js development by creating an account on GitHub.
Active Learning 3 : Data Type Conversion Practice - CodePen
Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.
mmenu-js-sait/index.html at master - GitHub
[UPDATED] The best javascript plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp. - saitwebnerds/mmenu-js-sait
Course materials and dev environment for the node.js portion
Course materials and dev environment for the node.js portion of CPNT 262 - acidtone/sait-node
JavaScript 教程 - 菜鸟教程
JavaScript 是 web 开发人员必须学习的 3 门语言中的一门: HTML 定义了网页的内容; CSS 描述了网页的布局; JavaScript 控制了网页的行为; 本教程是关于 JavaScript 及介绍 JavaScript 如何与 HTML 和 CSS 一起工作。 谁适合阅读本教程? 1. 如果您想学习 JavaScript,您可以学习本教程: