Julia Stoschek Foundation
2011年7月6日 · Time-based media art since 1996, explored video as a form of scenic art, strongly influenced by the so-called performative turn which pervaded not only the humanities but also society and art at the time. The exhibition, curated by Bernhard Serexhe and Julia Stoschek, was divided into sections, investigating concepts of body and soul, public ...
Tên công ty: CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN UY TÍN TÁI CHẾ Á CHÂU (ART) Trụ sở chính : 22/11 Huỳnh Đình Hai, P. 24, Q. Bình Thạnh, Tp.HCM, Việt Nam. Tel: 028.3551 5008 Fax: 028.3551 5018 Web: https://www.artjsc.com. CHI NHÁNH ĐẮK LẮK ・ NHÀ MÁY TÁI CHẾ XỬ LÝ CHẤT THẢI CÔNG NGHIỆP. * Tp. Buôn Ma Thuật.
The JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION is making its collection of over 860 works by 282 artists available online for free and without any restrictions. As one of the largest private collections of time-based media art in the world, the JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION strives to advance the consistent democratization of this art form.
Julia Stoschek Foundation
Die Präsenzbibliothek bietet zentrale Publikationen zu Künstler:innen der Sammlung sowie kunsttheoretische Texte zu Philosophie und Ästhetik. Rund 35 Prozent der fast 1000 Werke von 300 Künstler*innen sind online auf unserer Website sowie an den Sammlungsstandorten in Düsseldorf und Berlin zugänglich.
Now online at JSC.ART: Cao Guimarães, Nanofania, 2003!
• On JSC.ART you can now watch this and already more than 90 other works without any restriction. • In Guimarães’s oeuvre these titles seem to relate to his ongoing project titled GAMBIARRAS (2002–07), a comprehensive image archive featuring improvised constructions and informal practical solutions that he collects in the form of ...
Carte Blanche Galerie — Jeng shihchieh design
擅長玩味光影的Jsc Studio,於極簡有力的屋簷造型部分,特採毛絲不銹鋼材質,收攏街景,朦朧映射出瞬息亂變、流動的環境波光;外牆呼應屋簷的鐵件材質,仿以紅鐵鏽塗漆,亦與行道樹色系相似,使建築外觀融入街景,在陽光與樹影的照映下,帶來溫暖有機的 ...
Galerie JSC Modern Art — À propos - Slash Paris
JSC Gallery, dédiée entièrement au surréalisme, expose en permanence les œuvres des grands créateurs historiques de ce mouvement, ainsi que celles de certains artistes qui l’ont traversé : Max Ernst, Hans Arp, Francis Picabia, André Masson, Roberto Matta, René Magritte, Man Ray, Yves Tanguy, Dorothea Tanning, Enrico Donati, Gordon ...
Julia Stoschek Collection - Museen
2024年2月2日 · Die Julia Stoschek Collection ist eine internationale private Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst mit dem Fokus auf zeitbasierter Medienkunst. Die 2007 eröffnete Sammlung beinhaltet neben Installationen, Videos und Fotografien auch Malerei und Skulptur.
Now online at JSC.ART: Aaron Young, High Performance ... - Facebook
🔊 Now online at JSC.ART: Aaron Young, High Performance 2000! • On JSC.ART you can now watch this and already more than 90 other works without any restriction. • High Peformance could only partially be described as a biker doing tire “burnouts” in the San Francisco studio space rumored to have once belonged to Diego Rivera, for the smoke pro...
Curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION, the group exhibition WORLDBUILDING examines the relationship between gaming and time-based media art. Early works from Julia Stoschek’s holdings will be shown with more recent works, some of which were commissioned especially for the exhibition.