F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter STOVL Variant
2012年5月25日 · The F-35B Standard Take-off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) is a single-engine, fifth generation fighter aircraft designed and developed by Lockheed Martin. It is the first aircraft to combine stealth technology with STOVL capabilities and supersonic speeds.
Low observable (LO) technologies are incorporated into the engine inlet and exhaust nozzle, and the F-35B short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL) propulsion system, with its revolutionary integrated flight propulsion controls, provides unprecedented capabilities.
Joint Strike Fighter program - Wikipedia
Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) is a development and acquisition program intended to replace a wide range of existing fighter, strike, and ground attack aircraft for the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, and formerly Turkey. [1]
F-35B Lightning - Royal Air Force
The Lightning’s short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) capability allows it to operate from the new ‘Queen Elizabeth’-class aircraft carriers and the vessels of allied nations, as well as short airstrips. Interactive 3D model of the F-35B Lightning aircraft follows, you can interact with the model using buttons and mouse.
F-35B Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) - GlobalSecurity.org
With regards to the development and test program (System Design and Development or SDD) the Secretary of Defense directed that the JSF program decouple testing of the Short Take-Off/Vertical...
JSF聯合戰術打擊機 - mdc.idv.tw
JSF這三種構型分別是:供空軍使用的傳統起降型 (CTOL)、 能在航艦上起降的艦載型 (CV),以及能在輕型航艦或兩棲突擊艦上操作的STOVL型,三者間必須有70%至80%的整體共通性,更重要的是壽命週期成本必須減低至現役同類機型的65%。 其中,JSF的STOVL型將是繼俄羅斯Yak-141戰機之後,全世界第二種具備超音速飛行能力的STOVL機種。 JSF的地位就是美國海、空軍行之有年的戰機「高/低搭配」的低檔部分:高檔部分是精銳強大的大型戰機如美國現役的F-14與F …
The author contends that the Marine Corps should purchase only the STOVL variant of the JSF due to its ability to offer greater flexibility, long-term savings, and Sea Basing support. Also, purchasing only the STOVL variant will allow the Marine Corps …
2004年4月21日 · STOVL aircraft demonstrating concepts for a variant to be operated by the U .S. Marine Corps and the U.K Royal Navy. On October 26, 2001, DOD selected a team of contractors led by Lockheed Martin to develop and produce the JSF. The three variants-CTOL, CV and STOVL aircraft-are to havemaximumcommonality
美国F-35B垂直起降升力系统简析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
作为目前世界上最先进的可实现短距起飞/垂直降落 (STOVL)的战斗机,F-35B在实现垂直起降方面集成了众多先进的技术。 2018年美国航空航天学会发布了由洛克希德·马丁公司多名设计师研究员撰写的F-35技术概要,其中简要介绍了F-35B垂直起降升力系统的关键技术。 50多年来,战斗机设计师在实现垂直起降 (VTOL)的基本灵活性的同时,大力追求传统喷气式飞机的速度和航程。 几十年来,设计师们创新和践行了许多短距起飞/垂直降落 (STOVL)的设计概念,但在灵活性和飞 …
The STOVL Joint Strike Fighter in Support of the 21st Century …
As the JSF, or STOVL Strike Fighter (SSF) as the Marine Corps calls it, becomes the "neckdown" replacement for the AV-8B and F/A-18, it will fulfill missions in four of the six functions of...
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