What is the difference between JSF, Servlet and JSP?
2020年5月25日 · JSP and JSF both look the same, as Per Application Requirements go, JSP is more suited for request and response based applications. JSF is targeted for richer event-based Web applications. I see the event as much more granular than request/response. From Server Perspective. JSP page is converted to servlet, and it has only minimal behaviour.
Java EE vs JSP vs JSF - Stack Overflow
2014年5月17日 · Is JSP "dead" in favor of JSF? No, it is still maintained for legacy and current web applications as view technology. Also, JSF works with JSP as view, but since JSF 2 it is better to use Facelets as the technology view. The reasons are explained here: Why Facelets is preferred over JSP as the view definition language from JSF2.0 onwards?. In ...
New project - JSF vs JSP - Stack Overflow
2014年1月31日 · My understanding is JSF is the latest framework (ie newer than JSP). But it appears developers who are versed with JSF are far and in between compared to JSP. While I understand that for existing setup that was built using JSP it makes sense to continue doing so but if this is a brand new project, is there any reason to avoid JSF?
jsf 2 - What are the differences between - Stack Overflow
2016年7月21日 · Immediate evaluation means that the JSP engine evaluates the expression and returns the result immediately when the page is first rendered. Deferred evaluation means that the technology using the expression language can employ its own machinery to evaluate the expression sometime later during the page's life cycle, whenever it is appropriate to ...
Cual es la diferencia entre Spring/JSF/JSP? [cerrada]
2017年5月29日 · JSP. Es un lenguaje basado totalmente en Java para hacer páginas web dinámicas. Tiene que ser compilado en Java bytecode. No es un framework. Si como has dicho estás empezando te recomiendo usar JSF dado que es mas sencillo de manejar, pero si vas a hacer páginas mas complejas yo tiraria por JSP
java - JSF vs Facelets vs JSP - Stack Overflow
2015年12月24日 · However, JSF apps using Facelets can be seen as a replacement for JSP-based technologies. JSF and JSP form different parts of the View in Java's web-tier MVC paradigm. Completely wrong - JSF covers the entire MVC pattern (though it can overlap with EJBs, since both are based on annotations that can be mixed in the same class).
Diferenças entre JSF e JSP - Stack Overflow em Português
2015年8月18日 · A rigor são tecnologias de escopo distinto: JSP é framework* para construir visões enquanto JSF é framework* para toda a camada de apresentação, baseado em (mas não limitado a) MVC. Mas na prática JSF substitui o JSP, já que junto com o JSF 2.0 veio o Facelets , este sim com o objetivo de substituir o JSP pois também é um framework ...
Java EE 6: JSF vs Servlet + JSP. Should I bother learning JSF?
2014年4月9日 · JSP/Servlet is just the basic/core/buildstone technology to develop Java webapplications with. Any Java based MVC framework runs on top of the JSP/Servlet API, so also JSF. JSF provides the FacesServlet (yes, it's a servlet!) which you have to define in web.xml just once. Then you can develop/run JSF with only model objects and views. –
What is the difference between creating JSF pages with .jsp or …
2014年6月24日 · JSP is an old view technology and widely used in combination with JSF 1.x. Facelets (by some people overgeneralized as XHTML) is the successor of JSP and introduced as default view technology of JSF 2.x at end of 2009. When you were seeing JSPs, you were perhaps reading outdated books, tutorials or resources targeted on JSF 1.x.
What template engine should I use in Spring MVC?
2017年6月2日 · JSP's and JSF are entirely different things and have become out of fashion. The big plus for using an actual template engine is that you are forced to separate the concerns of gathering the data to present and rendering it; this separation allows you to …