AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon - Wikipedia
The AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) is a glide bomb that resulted from a joint venture between the United States Navy and Air Force to deploy a standardized medium-range precision-guided weapon, especially for engagement of defended targets from outside the range of standard anti-aircraft defenses, thereby increasing aircraft survivability ...
Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) - NAVAIR
The latest variant, the JSOW C-1, is the Navy’s first air-to-ground network-enabled weapon capable of attacking stationary land and moving maritime targets. It includes GPS/INS guidance, terminal...
AGM-154 聯合防區外遠距遙控精準彈藥 - 維基百科,自由的百科 …
AGM-154聯合 距外武器 ( JSOW )是 美國海軍 和 美國空軍 共同開發,用於在敵人防區外發動攻擊的遠距無動力精準攻擊彈藥,類似 JDAM。 聯合防區距外武器投射系統提供具有在敵方防區外實施攻擊能力的低成本、高致命性、無動力投射武器,是一種無動力滑翔投射炸彈,採用 全球定位系統 (GPS)/ 慣性導航系統 (INS)進行遙控導引,能夠進行日/夜間和惡劣天氣操作。 JSOW 系統是長度超過410公分(160英寸)450公斤(1,000磅)級武器,提供低空投射可達28公里(15海 …
AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) - United States Navy
2021年9月27日 · The latest variant, the JSOW AGM-154C-1, is the Navy's first air-to-ground Network-Enabled Weapon (NEW) capable of attacking stationary land and moving maritime targets. It includes GPS/INS...
Joint Standoff Weapon | Raytheon - RTX
The JSOW C-1 weapon is the world’s first network-enabled missile, packing a range of more than 100 kilometers. A two-way Strike Common Weapon Datalink has been added to the low-cost, combat-proven missile. It gives fleet forces the flexibility to engage moving maritime targets while retaining effectiveness against stationary land targets.
AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) - Airforce Technology
2016年12月30日 · The JSOW C-1 variant is equipped with a two-way strike common weapon datalink (SCWDL) for striking moving marine targets. Propulsion. The JSOW-ER, a powered version of the JSOW, is operated by a Hamilton-Sundstrand TJ-150 engine. The engine can be easily integrated on the back section of the JSOW, and provides an extended range of 300nmi.
AGM-154式联合远程武器 - 百度百科
c型为海军使用的单弹头武器,用于攻击固定硬目标和水面目标。制导方式是惯性制导 /gps 中段制导加红外成像末制导,弹上装有视频数据链,导弹进入末段攻击时能进行人工干预,即采用人在回路中制导方式。 [1]
JSOW C-1 achieves full operational capability - NAVAIR
2017年10月11日 · NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND, PATUXENT RIVER, Md. – The Department of the Navy recently declared the Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) C-1 ready for full operational capability. All U.S. squadrons are...
AGM-154C Joint Standoff Weapon [JSOW] JSOW-C - GlobalSecurity.org
The JSOW-C-1 will incorporate new target tracking algorithms into the seeker for moving targets, giving Joint force commanders an affordable, air-delivered standoff weapon that is effective...
2019年8月22日 · longer under DOT&E oversight. AGM-154C-1 (JSOW C-1) adds moving maritime target capability and the two-way strike common weapon datalink to the baseline AGM-154C weapon. Mission • Combatant Commanders use aircraft equipped with JSOW A to conduct pre-planned attacks on soft point and area targets