All symbols - @std/testing - JSR
@std/testing on JSR: Tools for testing Deno code like snapshot testing, bdd testing, and time mocking
Testing - Deno
Deno provides a built-in test runner for writing and running tests in both JavaScript and TypeScript. This makes it easy to ensure your code is reliable and functions as expected …
JSR 是如何构建的 - Deno 中文
2024年4月12日 · 当您调用 jsr publish 或 deno publish 时,发布工具将检查您的代码,探测 package.json、导入映射以及您用来配置解析的任何其他内容,然后遍历包中的所有文件,从 …
JSR: the JavaScript Registry
1 天前 · JSR is the open-source package registry for modern JavaScript. JSR natively supports TypeScript, and works with all JS runtimes and package managers.
Writing tests - Deno
One of the most common tasks in developing software is writing tests for existing code. Deno has a built-in test runner which makes this very easy. First, we import assert statements from the …
@muddsicle/test - JSR
2024年10月24日 · publish-jsr-test. To install dependencies: bun install To run: bun run index.ts This project was created using bun init in bun v1.1.31. Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.
GitHub - jsr-io/jsr: The open-source package registry for modern ...
You can view the registry at http://jsr.test. The API can be found at http://api.jsr.test. It may be helpful to have a large variety of packages published to your local dev environment to simulate …
PatrickJS/jsr-test-package: jsr example - GitHub
jsr example. Contribute to PatrickJS/jsr-test-package development by creating an account on GitHub.
JSR - The Java Test Suite Reduction Framework - GitHub
JSR is a test suite reduction framework for Java. It consists of the following modules: JSR Core; JSR CLI; JSR IntelliJ IDE plugin
java - In JSR 303 bean validation unit test, how to check which ...
I'm trying to write a jUnit test for a bean validation. I read How to test validation annotations of a class using JUnit? and wrote a test code like as below. My environment: Target Bean class: …