Pratt & Whitney JT8D - Wikipedia
The Pratt & Whitney JT8D is a low-bypass (0.96 to 1) turbofan engine introduced by Pratt & Whitney in February 1963 with the inaugural flight of the Boeing 727. It was a modification of the Pratt & Whitney J52 turbojet engine which powered the US Navy A-6 …
JT8D Engine - Pratt & Whitney
Pratt & Whitney introduced the JT8D to commercial aviation in 1964 with the inaugural flight of Boeing's 727-100 aircraft. The JT8D engine has proven itself to be a highly durable and reliable engine, having completed more than 673 million dependable flying hours since entering service.
揭全球十大民用涡扇发动机 - 搜狐
2015年5月5日 · 1964年,装载着普惠jt8d发动机的波音727-100客机完成了它的首飞。 该系列发动机共有8个型号,推力范围为62~76千牛。 除了为麦道MD-80飞机提供推力,JT8D发动机还为麦道DC-9客机、法国宇航公司SE210“快帆”客机和首批波音737客机提供动力。
波音737-JT8D飞机 - 百度百科
History Of The JT8D - boeing-727.com
The JT8D is an axial-flow, dual spool, fully ducted turbofan engine. It's design dates back to 1960 Some of the certification milestones are as follows. 1988 saw the end of production of the JT8D -7 thru -17's with 11,878 units being produced. Those produced by dash models are:
拼凑而成却又备受追捧:“小短腿”727和737的前世今生_澎湃号·媒 …
2020年6月11日 · 初代737的发动机和DC-9以及727一样,都是普惠的JT8D。当年的普惠如日中天,在美国航发市场绝对统治地位。波音要求普惠做一款更大涵道比,更高效省油的发动机,再配合其它更新,增加737的产品力出一代更新款再大卖,也就是737第二代Classic。
世界上最危险的飞机?波音737-JT8D! - 搜狐
2018年6月18日 · jt8d-9a,普惠公司生产的早期低函道比(0.96比1)涡扇引擎.初代jt8d发动机于1963年首次装配在波音727飞机上,为普惠j52涡喷发动机的改进型.后期的jt8d-200系列将函道比增至(1.74比1)。
Pratt&Whitney JT8D - 华文百科 - wikii.one
Pratt&Whitney JT8D是Pratt&Whitney于1963年2月推出的低型型(0.96至1) Turbofan Engine,并在波音727的首次飞行中进行了首次飞行。 这是Pratt&Whitney J52涡轮喷气发动机的修改,该发动...
More than 350 operators use the JT8D to power more than 4500 aircraft - nearly a third of the world's commercial fleet. By setting the industry standard for low maintenance cost, the JT8D helps make Boeing 727's, 737-200's, and McDonnell Douglas DC-9's and MD-80's the most economic aircraft to own and operate.
JT8D engine performance retention - NASA Technical Reports …
The attractive performance retention characteristics of the JT8D engine are described. Because of its moderate bypass ratio and turbine temperature, and stiff structural design, the performance retention versus flight cycles of the JT8D engine sets a …