JVC GY-LS300CHU Ultra 4K HD 4KCAM Super 35 Pro Camcorder …
2015年3月16日 · The GY-LS300 is part of JVC's 4KCAM line of cameras, which can record 8-bit 4: 2: 2 HD Signals at up to 60P at 50 Mb/s. This camcorder supports dual codec recording, allowing to capture two different codecs, . move and AVCHD, simultaneously to its dual SDHC/SDXC media card slots using optional media cards.
JVC GY-LS300 Review - Videomaker
The JVC GY-LS300 is a versatile 4K camcorder that has a wealth of features built into a light, compact body. The Super-35mm-sized sensor delivers a crisp Ultra HD image, and the active Micro Four Thirds mount can accept a wide variety of lenses with the right adapter and help from JVC’s Variable Scan Mapping technology.
GY-LS300CHE | 4K Camcorders | Professional Camcorders - JVC USA
Compact, convenient and ultra-high definition, the GY-LS300CHE is equipped with a 4K Super 35 CMOS sensor and accommodates a wide range of cinema and photographic lenses and adapters for dazzling cinematic effects.
GY-LS300 | 摄像机 | JVC China
JVC GY-LS300配备有4KSuper 35mmCMOS传感器,机身设计紧凑、方便携带,可拍摄超高清画质。 尤其与众不同的是,它兼容各种类型的电影镜头、单反镜头及转接环,可打造炫目的电影效果。
4K Super 35mm 攝錄機 - GY-LS300 - JVC
GY-LS300; 概括 電源: 直流12V(交流適配器)、直流7.4V(電池) 功耗: 約9.8W (4K),9.1W (HD)(使用取景器錄製,默認設置) 尺寸 (寬x高x深) 135 x 191 x 359 mm: 重量: 3.75磅(包括電池)/1.7千克: 操作溫度: 0°C ~ 40°C: 存儲溫度-20°C ~ 50°C: 操作濕度: 30% ~ 80%: 存儲濕度: 小 …
高性价比可换镜头4K利器 JVC LS300评测 - PConline
2015年6月4日 · jvc ls300机身搭载了目前电影摄影机行业中主流的传感器配置,mft卡口设计可以自由转接时下各大厂家的镜头系统,完整的摄像机按键布局加上各类扩展性一流的接口配置,所有的一切让ls300在发布之时就备受各路专业影视制作人员的关注,以下请看详细内容。
The GY-LS300 was built to deliver stunning, life-like 4K Ultra HD (3840 x 2160) video in a compact form-factor, making it versatile for a wide range of applications. With 4x the resolution of Full HD, the video quality of this 4K camera is better in every way—it achieves
Testing out the JVC GY-LS300- A 4K budget Super 35mm ... - Newsshooter
2015年2月24日 · The JVC GY-LS300 is an interesting camera that combines 4K internal recording in a compact, lightweight body. At first glance it strikes me as a cross between a Sony VG-30 and a PDW-150. It certainly is light and weighs in at just 1.7KG. One of the unique features of the camera is that it has a Super-35mm-sized
JVC GY-LS300 2017 REVIEW | "FULL FRAME" 4K for $3,000
2017年1月7日 · This camera has it all: active MFT mirrorless mount, S35 sensor, built-in NDs, HDMI and SDI outputs, XLR, 4K, 4:2:2 1080p, LOG, dual SD card slots, and even some interesting features like the...
Super35可换镜4K摄像机 JVC LS300首测 - ZOL
2015年3月20日 · 就当这位市场开拓者逐渐淡出人们视线时,一台傲视之作浮出水面,JVC带着极具诚意的产品震撼回归----GY-LS300(以下简称LS300),一台Super 35mm可换镜头的4K手持摄录一体机,今天我们就为大家带来这台摄像机的全面评测。