Journal of Experimental Botany | Oxford Academic
Journal of Experimental Botany (JXB) is a top-ranking plant science journal owned by the Society for Experimental Biology (SEB) and published by a not-for-profit publisher (Oxford University Press).
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Issues | Journal of Experimental Botany | Oxford Academic
2025年1月10日 · Chloroplast envelope proteins are critical for plant acclimation to environmental stress, influencing metabolic pathways and stress resistance. This review discusses the role of plant cell walls in determining plant resistance and highlights the contributions of the host, pathogens, and multifactorial stress to cell wall remodelling and integrity.
Volume 76 Issue 4 | Journal of Experimental Botany - Oxford …
2025年2月25日 · Franzisky BL, Mueller HM, Du B, Lux T, White PJ, Carpentier SC, Winkler JB, Schnitzler JP, Kudla J, Kangasjärvi J, Reichelt M, Mithöfer A, Mayer KFX, Rennenberg H, Ache P, Hedrich R, Messerer M, Geilfus CM. 2025. Date palm diverts organic solutes for root osmotic adjustment and protects leaves from oxidative damage in early drought acclimation.
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JXB Manuscript Processing System
Manuscript Processing System for Journal of Experimental Botany.
Journal of Experimental Botany - 科研通
The Journal of Experimental Botany publishes high-quality primary research and review papers in the plant sciences. These papers cover a range of disciplines from molecular and cellular physiology and biochemistry through whole plant physiology to community physiology.
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JX-B型变压器本体端子箱 1.外柜采用优质不锈钢板制成,外观精美,防腐防锈; 2.具有柜内照明功能,所有电元件选用国际著名品牌 (ABB.西门子施耐德等),质量可靠; 3.采用户外运行的特殊密封结构确保良好密封性能; 4.可选配温湿度控制器、加热器和除湿风扇,防止内部设备受潮或凝露; 5.额定电压,额定频率,端子数量,外形尺寸,柜体材质等可根据用户需求自由配置。
精新电源-偏压电源-JX-B-FM多波形偏压 - jxps.com
精新电源科技偏压电源JX-B-FM多波形偏压型号产品规格与参数详情,本电源多种脉冲波形输出,增加脉冲波形选择灵活性。 该电源在恒流模式下可用作溅射电源.
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