JY-14 Radar - Wikipedia
The JY-14 (domestic designation: LLQ302, formerly known as: 384) is a medium to long range air defense radar produced and used by the People's Republic of China. It is capable of detecting multiple targets within its range and determine their parameters, tracking them even through surface clutter and ECM jamming.
JY-14 - Radartutorial
JY-14 is a D to F band medium- to long-range tactical 3D surveillance radar whose primary function is air defence, and is expected to be deployed in regional air defence networks.
浅析:朝鲜防空系统和战斗机 - 知乎
JY-14雷达在厘米频率范围内工作,能够探测300公里范围内和25公里高度内的目标。 在高空设置天线哨所时,在1500米高度飞行的米格-21战斗机可以在200公里范围内进行跟踪。
PLA Air Defence Radars
The JY-11 is a 3D radar, mechanically scanned in azimuth and frequency scanned in elevation where it has five groups of beams: one long range and four medium range groups. The five groups forming a total of 14 electronically scanned beams providing 30º of vertical cover.
2024年10月7日 · YLC-18型三坐标高机动主动相控阵雷达专为探测巡航导弹和低空飞机而设计,探测范围达200公里,能高效识别战斗机。 JY-11B机动式相控阵雷达对100公里距离、200米高度的飞行目标精确度极高,且能空运,进一步增强了中国的防空监控能力。
Advanced JY-14 tactical 3D radar - NASA/ADS
Characteristics of the JY-14 medium-to-long-range 3D radar are described. The radar features excellent anticlutter and antijamming ability, as well as very good adaptability and automatization.
Radar (China JY-14 Great Wall) - cmano-db.com
OVERVIEW: The JY-14 GREAT WALL Radar is a long-range, 3-D surveillance and interceptor control radar operating in the E/F Band. DETAILS: The JY-14 is primarily used in national air defense system. It is capable of tracking over 72 contacts.
Overview — JY-14 — Ground Radars - Military Periscope
The JY-14 is a 3D radar introduced by the China National Electronics Import and Export Corp. (CEIEC). It is designed primarily for air defense tasks. The radar has a high target detection probability with a maximum range of 190 mi (300 km) and a maximum altitude of 75,000 ft (22,860 m). The JY-14 uses automatic clutter mapping.
神秘的防空力量:伊朗空军与防空部队(2) - 哔哩哔哩
在中国雷达中,最好的是三坐标雷达JY-14,它可以根据战术情况和目标的性质在分别使用厘米波和分米波进行工作。 JY-14雷达是在90年代后期开发的,能够观测320公里范围内的空域,并同时跟踪多达72个目标。
Sensor China JY-14 Great Wall (Radar, Air Search, 3D Long-Range)