The meaning of hoor in Dutch | How to use Ja, hoor and Nee, hoor
2021年11月19日 · What is the meaning of hoor? Ja, hoor! Nee, hoor! Geen probleem, hoor! You hear "hoor" all the time. But... what does it mean? It's not easy to use "hoor" in a natural way, since it takes practice with intonation and good understanding of the context, but once you know how to use it, you'll sound Dutcher than ever!
De betekenis van hoor in het Nederlands | Ja, hoor - Nee, hoor
2021年11月19日 · Het woordje "hoor" in Nederlandse zinnen is niet simpel. Bij The Dutch Online Academy we will explain all of it in this
"Ja, hoor"是什么意思? -关于荷兰语 | HiNative
Ja, hoorYeah, sure. Or "yeah, right" depending on the context. Used often sarcastically as well.|It means "sure". Depending on how you say it it can either be a legit answer but also sarcastic. "Ja hóór, dat overkomt mij weer!" Means: suuureee! That always happens to me! There are many more ways it can be used.
What is the meaning of "Ja, hoor"? - Question about Dutch
Definition of Ja, hoor Yeah, sure. Or "yeah, right" depending on the context. Used often sarcastically as well.|It means "sure". Depending on how you say it it can either be a legit answer but also sarcastic. "Ja hóór, dat overkomt mij weer!" Means: suuureee! That always happens to me! There are many more ways it can be used.
25 Dutch slang terms & how to use them to sound more Dutch
2023年3月12日 · Ja hoor / nee hoor “Hoor” doesn’t really have an English translation in this construction — but it is used to add emphasis / another layer of meaning. I found this native speaking redditor did a great job of explaining “hoor” in different contexts:
What is the difference between "ja" and "ja hoor" ? "ja ... - HiNative
'Ja hoor' translates to yes sure (or yea sure) |ja means yes. ja hoor means yea sure|I feel like ja hoor is more informal than only ja.
"ja" 和 "ja hoor" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
ja的同義字'Ja' translates to yes. 'Ja hoor' translates to yes sure (or yea sure) |ja means yes. ja hoor means yea sure|I feel like ja hoor is more informal than only ja
What is the difference between "jahoor" and "jawel ... - HiNative
2020年9月4日 · If 'niet' or 'geen' occurs in a question use either 'ja hoor', 'jawel' or 'jawel hoor'. This is, depending on the thing you like to emphasize, because you either want to negate the 'niet', you want to reassure (a question inherently involves a measure of uncertainty) or both.
How 'ja hoor' in the Dutch language can be very tricky
"What does 'ja hoor' mean in the Dutch Language? You just hear it all the time". This is a question that many students ask me when they follow one of the Beginners courses Dutch. Well, first let’s explain how to pronounce this ‘hoor’. You just have to pronounce it like the English word ‘whore’!
"Ja hoor"是什么意思? -关于荷兰语 - HiNative
Ja hoorJa = はい Hoor is occasionally added at the end of the sentence, to give some extra emphasis, just like よ! .|And this is a reassuring 'yes'. And sometimes it is said ironically.