What is the difference between "također" and "isto ... - HiNative
'također' can be used in sentences like "on je takoder to uradio" > "he too did it" or "he also did it" with it being - also, too, or similar to that meaning. isto can be used in "on je isti kao i svi drugi" > "he's the same like everyone else" with it meaning the same. hope it helped
Birria | Ja-listo! Adobo Para Birria | United States
Ja-listo! Adobo Para Birria was designed to make birria easy! Simply pour over your meat of choice, add water and set to cook. No need to add anything else. Sit back and let Ja-listo! do the work.
Ja isto in English with contextual examples - MyMemory
2018年12月21日 · Contextual translation of "ja isto" into English. Human translations with examples: same, me too, i would, i am ", (089113), gde zivis, prijatelj, ja : yeah, ♫ ♫ i sing.
"također" 和 "isto" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
B: I ja isto. (私も。 「同じ」と言う意味もあります。 "Također" i "isto" imaju otprilike isto značenje. (同じぐらいの意味です) Moja sestra i ja izgledamo isto. (私と妹は同じように見えます。 查看翻译 1 like
"također" 和 "isto" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
'također' can be used in sentences like "on je takoder to uradio" > "he too did it" or "he also did it" with it being - also, too, or similar to that meaning. isto can be used in "on je isti kao i svi drugi" …
já isto - Translation into English - Reverso Context
Translations in context of "já isto" in Portuguese-English from Reverso Context: isto já não é, isto já é
I ja isto in English with contextual examples - MyMemory
Contextual translation of "i ja isto" into English. Human translations with examples: me, too, i do, too.
"I ja isto" — različita značenja izraza - vukajlija.com
Sitna laž korišćena kad hoćemo da zadivimo nekoga, iako često pojma nemamo/ne podnosimo da radimo to. Preporučljiva za ako hoćeš da smuvaš na jedno veče. Ana: -Na primer, uživam u ljubavnoj poeziji, i pišem pesme. Ivan ( u životu knjigu nije pročitao): -Jao, i ja isto, pisanje me toliko opušta. Ana: -Stvarno?
"esta" 和 "este" 和 "isto" 和 "esse" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
esta 和 este 和 isto 和 esse 有什么区别? 如果难以说明的话,请教我一下例句。 Hey! I’ll try to make it simple Esta: besides being used only for female nouns it is used for something that’s …
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