Star Platinum: The World - Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki
Star Platinum: The World is an evolved Stand that takes on the appearance of its former evolution: Star Platinum. From the anime adaptation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is …
Skins | Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki | Fandom
Pumpkin Patch is most likely based off Jack-O-Platinum, due to the father-daughter relationship of Jotaro and Jolyne in the series. Nexus Crimson is based off the ROBLOX YouTuber …
Trading Jack-O-Platinum sp(TW) | Fandom - Your Bizarre …
2022年1月20日 · Trading Jack-O-Platinum sp(TW) LF: DD+HOh= INSTA ACCEPT. Mlf:DM;jacko base.ghost twoh; rtwoh. ... Jacko is motherfucking 2nd best event skin THAT IS UNOB, but i …
富聖國際:代理品牌|Jacko - TransChance
JACKO深耕臺灣並於亞洲市場經營多年,坐擁精湛的工藝與宏觀的眼界,可靠Reliable、創新Creative、卓越Excellent,是JACKO品牌的三大核心價值。 我們堅持:頂尖耐久的製造、創 …
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[YBA] Jack' O Star Platinum Showcase - YouTube
In this video, i showcase jacko spJoin my discord server!https://discord.gg/5dEcqK2StwCheck out my second channel where I make music https://www.youtube.com...
Jack-O-Platinum: The World : r/YourBizarreAdventure - Reddit
2021年11月7日 · Shiny star platinum holders on their way to ruin a perfectly good skin by adding that subtitle: “The World” to their what would’ve been good stand. exactly. i made the severe …
Star Platinum: The World - A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki
With STW and Kars, you need to relentlessly attack the SP: TW user due to them having speed and power on their side. However, SP: TW can easily be overwhelmed and become combo …
[YBA] Trading for Jacko SP W/F/L - YouTube
2022年10月23日 · i traded for jacko sp in yba
[YBA] Ghost The World HAUNTS SBR.. (+ Jacko SP!) - YouTube
This video... was pain... but i still had to finish it and hey it didn't turn out as bad as i thought it'd be :)Thanks for supporting me, appreciate all of y...