Honest Conversations About Faith with Jacob Hansen & Bill Reel
2023年5月19日 · Jacob Hansen Bio: Jacob is a Life long member of the LDS Church (His Mom is a convert) He served a mission in Argentina 2005-2007 Jacob graduated at BYU Hawaii with a Business Degree He is a Podcaster, Youtuber, Blogger He is the only one of his 8 siblings still active in the church.
Jim Bennett gets real with Jacob Hansen on MBR w/ Steven Pynakker
Jim Bennett gets real with Jacob Hansen. Jim is far from alone when it comes to this sentiment. The over zealous orthodoxy police, captained by Hansen, does more damage to the Church, especially those in faith crisis, than any other organization (they are competing with FAIR and the Church, don't get me wrong, there is significant overlap here).
LDS Apologist Jacob Hansen & Atheist Brother Forrest Talk
2022年12月1日 · [Jacob Hansen, Nov 22] [bwv549] so a person is not an exmo unless they remove their name from the records lol Well then I guess my siblings did not really leave the church after all 😉 [My response, Nov 23] Jacob Hansen "so a person is not an exmo unless they remove their name from the records lol" Not at all.
Hypocrisy of Jacob Hansen : r/exmormon - Reddit
2023年9月12日 · Hypocrisy of Jacob Hansen The man serves/ed in a bishopric and touts his family publicly as an example of an ‘eternal Mormon family’ and his wife can’t fake it long enough to wear garments for the professional family pictures he shares on social media.
Jacob Hansen and Bill Reel to hold a conversation on Morality
2023年5月11日 · Jacob Hansen Bio: Jacob is a Life long member of the LDS Church (His Mom is a convert) He served a mission in Argentina 2005-2007 Jacob graduated at BYU Hawaii with a Business Degree He is a Podcaster, Youtuber, Blogger He is the only one of his 8 siblings still active in the church.
Diversity is not a strength, per Jacob Hansen. : r/mormon - Reddit
"Diversity" isn't about including thieves and pedophiles in your neighborhood. It's about creating a welcoming place for people from all backgrounds and all traditions. Oaks' emphasis on forcing conformity is totalitarianism, and is an accurate reflection of the aims of LDS church leadership since the time of Joseph Smith.
Jim Bennett's and Jacob Hansen's debate left me frustrated.
2023年7月18日 · When I first left a year ago, I thought Jim Bennett was just the worst because of his sloppy answers to Bill Reel. He is now maybe my favorite LDS defender because he makes room for everyone at his table, even if I don't really understand how he can reach some of his mental pretzels. Jacob, though, is just the worst and causes significant harm.
Two LDS defenders talk about epistemology: how they determine …
2023年7月11日 · Post Mormon Jonathan Streeter recently had Jacob Hansen and Dan Ellsworth on his YouTube channel explaining the ways they use to determine that the LDS church is true. Jacob has his “witness model” where he says there are five ways to help you determine truths in the world. Reason/Logic authority outcomes sensory experience
Some observations on the Bennett vs Hansen phenomenon : …
2024年1月8日 · Likewise Jacob Hansen is aware of these instances in church history and is using his platform to resist/prevent another change ie gay temple sealings. Observation 3: I get the impression that Jacob believes he has the more pure position because he benefits from the church’s current support of his positions on things like gay marriage.
Black Menaces, to their credit, came on to the BYU scene ... - Reddit
2024年1月28日 · Black Menaces, to their credit, came on to the BYU scene already understanding the shared struggle against bigotry. "So there it is." Highlights from Greg Matsen and Jacob Hansen holding forth at Mormon Book Reviews. Link to full episode in comments.