Infected | Alphatale Wiki | Fandom
Infected is a chaotic psychopath that seeks the pain and suffering of all that he considers wrong. Infected hadn't always been the way he was. Long ago, he used to go by the name of Jacob. Carrying that name, he had been born by the Void Empress, alongside his brother Ares.
Alphatale Wiki - Fandom
Alphatale is an AU focusing on the struggles of William, Adam, Ares and Jacob must overcome to get their happy ending, all while facing off against intense foes and even their own family.
Infected Sans(感染者Sans)设定介绍维基百科资料汉化 - 哔哩哔哩
2021年12月31日 · Infected 是一个混乱的精神病患者,他寻求所有他认为是错误的东西的痛苦和折磨。 传记. 感染者并不总是像他这样。 很久以前,他曾经以Jacob的名字去。 带着这个名字,他和他的兄弟阿瑞斯是虚空女皇所生的。 通过被一个名叫星云之母(ps:wc! 不同时间线? 这是搞穿越? )的女人绑架,他在她的手下接受了实验,像一个简单的玩具供她自己玩。 借此,Jacob在地下经历了前所未有的真正痛苦。 从每次实验中,他对疼痛的抵抗力越来越强。 折磨和精神压 …
Omnipotent!Sans | Alphatale Wiki | Fandom
After what felt like hours, Jacob finally rose from where he was sat and then immediately charged at Ares with no warning and stabbed him right between the eyes with a sharp rock. The other brothers pinned down Jacob as Jacob screamed violently …
Infected - Sans Battles Wiki
Infected or old name Jacob was the son of the Empress of the void who was kidnapped along with Ares and soon became the son of the Astral mother, but among the brothers he was weaker and the most hated by the Astral mother and the other brothers thus went through an experiment of the Astral mother who went to make him suffer to become strong ...
Infected | Vitusverse Wiki | Fandom
Infected is a core entity in Alphatale and an undead uncontrollable killer that seeks the pain and suffering of all that meet his power. Infected hadn't always been the way he was. Long ago, he used to go by the name of Jacob Bones and used to …
AlphaTale设定整理(基础设定概括) - 哔哩哔哩
正义之魂爆发成千上万的爆炸,使对手瘫痪 法官模式的技能: SOUL CANNON(灵魂重炮) 遇到重大威胁时,会以灵魂为燃料,爆发一场足以粉碎整个多元宇宙的爆炸 INSANITY SWIPE(愚顽打击) 一种按钮,专治邪骨,效果拔群 Omnipotent!Sans (Omni):
Jacob - Alphatale: Premier Wiki
While he retained the comical humour iconic to his face, his narcolepsy gave him the constant tendency to sleep a lot, awarding him the nickname "Sleepy Sans" from various early Multiverse observers.
Infected Sans - Undertale AU Characters Wiki
Infected was the first destroyer, and the one destroyed AlphaTale. Infected was also known as Jacob formerly. He looks similar to horror sans, except he has a patch on his skull. His right eye is completely white with a black outline and the left eye is black. His axe is completely white, though it is often covered in blood.
Jacob Sans | Resident Evil Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Jacob Sans is an agent of the DarkRain task-force, an elite fighting unit under the exclusive command of Umbrella Corporation scientist Roderick Lazarus. Sans is one of the four lieutenants of the unit, this means that Sans works closley with …