Jad pet drop rate : r/2007scape - Reddit
2015年8月14日 · Because Jad tasks roll twice for the pet, the odds are a little better. Killing 3000 smoke devils/krakens results in a 63.22% chance of getting the pet. To get roughly the same …
Is it worth to grind Jad pet without task? : r/2007scape - Reddit
2021年3月3日 · If you also want to train slayer it's better to combine the 2. But strictly for the jad pet, off task is faster.
I'm Rank 9 Jad and finally got Pet at 400 kc - Reddit
Dudes living his life playing the game how he wants to play. Probably set a goal of getting Jad pet and stuck with it till he got it. Sure there are more efficient ways to do it, but at the end of the …
Jad slayer task to increase chance on Jad pet. : r/2007scape - Reddit
2023年11月13日 · It’s 1/100 (off task)and 1/67 (on task)if you factor task bonus and cape gamble plus the roll when you kill jad. If your just hunting pet best just do it off task as you’d be wasting …
Jad pet question : r/2007scape - Reddit
2020年8月24日 · The cape turn in is a 1/200 chance, jad on a slayer task is 1/100 drop rate. So turning in the cape after a slayer task reduces it to 1/67 chance.
Jad Pet Question ♂️ : r/2007scape - Reddit
2022年11月2日 · If I have a Jad slayer task. Do I need to turn in the fire cape before I do the task, or do I turn in a fire cape after the task. This is to get the better 1/100 pet roll vs 1/200 off task
Jad Pet : r/runescape - Reddit
2023年6月11日 · Make Jad pet as normal pet drop from fight caves / fight kiln / zuk fights. Because sitting in castle wars earning thalers has nothing to do with Insane Final Boss.
JalRek-Jad pet finally achieved entirely on mobile! 2 months
JalRek-Jad pet finally achieved entirely on mobile! 2 months of 20+ Zuks and 1 year of 200+ Jads later
It’s finally over. 525 kc jad pet - new world record - Reddit
2021年5月8日 · I think your interpretation of the chance of getting a pet by a certain kc makes it sound worse than it is. 0-100 kc is obviously the same number of shots at the pet as 500-600 …
Jad Pet : r/2007scape - Reddit
2015年7月25日 · Here's how I think they should do it, 1/5k chance of dropping Jad pet after killing Jad, and 1/100 chance of dropping Jad pet after sacrificing fire cape. Most players will kill Jad …