JAFR – Encyclopaedia Iranica
2008年12月15日 · For Jafr proper, the major tool is the science of letters, ʿelm al-ḥoruf, based on the numerical values of the twenty-eight letters of the Arabic alphabet in the order of the Abjad (q.v.; Table 1). It is applied to words, phrases, and letters of the Qurʾān, the prophetic traditions (Hadith), and other sources considered divinely inspired ...
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`Ilm al-Jafr, “the science of Jafr" (Alphabetical Divination).
Jafr or Jafr al‑jāmi` (Universal Jafr) and associated terminology are often generic indications of transmitted supernatural knowledge encapsulting a totally of past and/ or future secrets sometimes as apocalyptic events. It later came to incorporate divinatory techniques.
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Jafr - wikishia
Jafr (Arabic: الجَفر) is the title of a hadith book dictated by the Prophet (s) and written by Imam Ali (a) on goat skin. The Book of Jafr is one of the trusts of Imamate and one of the sources of Imam's (a) knowledge, which, according to some hadiths, only the Prophet (s) and his successors can look through it.
Jifer Tables - White Magic Mastery
The big part of the process is something called the Jafr Tables. These tables span thousands of potential pages and are an essential key for decoding and using the Jafr methods. It would have been impractical in the Middle Ages to produce these tables by hand.
Kitab al-Jafr - Wikipedia
Kitab al-Jafr (Arabic: كِتاب ٱلْجَفْر, romanized: Kitāb al-Jafr) is a mystical book which, in the Shia belief, contains esoteric teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad for his cousin and son-in-law Ali, who is recognized as the fourth Rashidun caliph (r. 656–661) and the first Shia Imam.
Jafr, EI3 fasc. 2021-2 - Academia.edu
This article addresses a desideratum in Islamic intellectual history concerning apocalyptic eschatology. I propose to focus on the Islamic revelatory genre par excellence known as jafr which as a textual tradition comprises the fusion of eschatology and esotericism.
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research - ScienceDirect
The Journal of Agriculture and Food Research is a peer-reviewed open access journal focusing on research in the agricultural and food sciences.
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research - 期刊影响因子 4.99
学术期刊 Journal of Agriculture and Food Research,期刊 ISSN: 2666-1543。 期刊参考文献引用方法举例,期刊最新文献浏览,版面费以及投稿经验分享。