Jaguar XJ220 - Wikipedia
The Jaguar XJ220 is a two-seat supercar produced by British luxury car manufacturer Jaguar from 1992 until 1994, in collaboration with the specialist automotive and race engineering company Tom Walkinshaw Racing.
Classic Jaguar XJ220 For Sale - Hemmings
Classic cars for sale in the most trusted collector car marketplace in the world. Hemmings Motor News has been serving the classic car hobby since 1954. We are largest vintage car website with the...
捷豹历史上最伟大的作品,捷豹XJ220的过去和现在 - 知乎
捷豹XJ220诞生于上世纪90年代,它是具有传奇色彩的超级跑车,它的身影作为海报也出现在无数车迷家卧室的墙上。 动力上这款车搭载的是双涡轮增压3.5升V6发动机,最大功率542马力,最大扭矩640N·m。 传动系统为 五速手动变速箱,后轮驱动。 它是当时世界上跑的最快的超级跑车。 捷豹XJ220生产于1992年至1994年,总共在英国牛津郡只生产了281台。 它和法拉利F40、保时捷959、布加迪EB110属于同时代的超级跑车,但是稀有的产量,让它成为汽车收藏家们心中的 …
Jaguar XJ220: History, Photos, Fun Facts, Specifications - MotorTrend
2020年6月11日 · Like the Bugatti EB110, the Jaguar XJ220 is one of the enigmatic semi-forgotten supercars from the 1990s that briefly burned supernova-bright before being extinguished in the wake of both a...
Jaguar XJ220 (1992 - 1994) for sale - Classic Driver
Looking for a Jaguar XJ220 (1992 - 1994) for sale? On Classic Driver you will find 13 Jaguar XJ220 (1992 - 1994) cars as well as thousands of other iconic classic and performance cars.
Jaguar XJ220 Market - CLASSIC.COM
There are 2 Jaguar XJ220 for sale right now - Follow the Market and get notified with new listings and sale prices.
捷豹XJ220 - 百度百科
xj220是一部令人激动的超级跑车,因为在英国汽车史上,它真的有点前无古人后无来者的味道。 它是当时世界上跑的最快的超级跑车,官方的数据显示,从1992年1994年的2年间,XJ220只生产了281部,其稀有量超过了法拉利ENZO,成为汽车收藏家们的珍宝级车种!
Flawed but Awesome: Jaguar’s XJ220 Supercar is 25 Years Old
2017年11月23日 · With exposed headlights, an XJ220 in action: At 194.1 inches long, 79.1 inches wide, and 45.3 inches tall, it is a huge car even 25 years after its market debut. Conceived in the 1980s and...
Jaguar XJ220 (1992 - 1994)
The Jaguar XJ220 was a supercar of wild ambition and immense controversy. Originally conceived as a technological tour de force showcasing a V12 engine and all-wheel-drive, it arrived in 1992 significantly changed – now powered by a turbocharged V6 and ditching all-wheel-drive for a rear-wheel-drive layout.
Jaguar XJ220 Classic Cars for Sale - Classic Trader
The Jaguar XJ220 remains one of the most fascinating collector's items in the world of supercars due to its rare production and historical significance. Its unique construction and exceptional performance make it a worthwhile investment for enthusiasts of classic automobiles.