Jahi (CR 16) - Realms Helps
The jahi is an incorporeal undead made of unfulfilled desires. It attacks by magically dominating its prey. The jahi appears as a ghostly image of a serpentine, scaled worm with three …
Realms Helps Creature: Jahi
The jahi is an incorporeal undead made of unfulfilled desires. It attacks by magically dominating its prey. The jahi appears as a ghostly image of a serpentine, scaled worm with three …
Creature Codex — Jahi
2021年6月21日 · A jahi is a strange undead creature, more a fragment of a soul than the entire being. They are created when the typical process of the River of Souls goes awry. Ordinarily, …
《怪物图鉴》/目录 - 龙与地下城TRPG - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网 …
Dungeons & Dragons,D&D,龙与地下城及相关Logo均为Wizards of the Coast LLC的注册商标。 本维基由用户自行创建、维护,与上述公司无关。 如无特殊标明,本维基记载的所有资料均 …
Category:Jahi - Mistipedia
Comprised of desires unmet, a jahi is a Tiny, incorporeal undead creature that appears as a partially translucent serpent with three heads. A jahi uses its Dominate Person spell-like …
Jahi - imarvintpa.com
Jahi: Size and Type: Tiny Undead (Incorporeal) Hit Dice Count: 25: Hit Dice: 25d12 (162 hp) Random Hit Points: 25d12 - 0: Environment: Any land and underground: Challenge Rating: 16: …
神与类神总录 | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom - dnd.fandom.com
神力等级0,并非真神,也被称作英雄神. D=Dempower半神力。 神力等级1-5,最弱小的真神,常沦为其祂神力的从神。 半神力可以被凡人弑杀,也被翻译为微弱神力. L=Lesser power弱等 …
龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom - dnd.fandom.com
免责声明:本百科中关于神祇和信仰的面相、关系与涉及的头衔均为译者根据可能相关的资料作出的推测,不保证其准确性;本百科以adnd 1版至dnd 5版的产品线为基础,由于各版本之间频 …
Samarach - Realms Helps
Its leader is an undead, three-headed serpent known as a jahi that embodies the unfulfilled desires of the yuan-ti to reclaim the Chultan Peninsula. The jahi's current chosen one is …
龙与地下城TRPG - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
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