Security Doors & Wall Systems | American Jail Products
Perforated Plate Door. Doors are fabricated from 3/16 perforated plate face welded to 2 x 2 x 3/16 mild steel reinforcing tube at edges and mid point where required. Reinforcement for food …
Maximum Security Doors - Kane Innovations
The 13 Gauge Stainless Steel Pre-Hung Vantage Wall Doors operate as high-security passage control systems through a variety of areas within prison and jail applications. Sally ports, cell …
Detention Doors and Frames - Titan Metal Products
Detention doors and door frames are made in 14-gauge steel and insulated to meet the 450° F temperature rise door requirements. Pair doors include a vertical mullion. Door frames are …
Detention Doors & Windows - Apex Industries
As Canada’s largest manufacturer of detention doors and frames, we understand that your facility needs to remain secured. We can help you design for your needs. Our in-house experts work …
TrussDoor Hollow Metal Door Prison & Jail Doors and Frames
Trussbilt's TrussDoor® hollow metal door and frame system is widely recognized as being the highest quality security, jail and prison door products available. Our steel hollow metal doors …
Titan Steel Door - More Than Detention Products
Titan Steel Door is a market-leading manufacturer of custom-built, force-resistant windows, doors, panels, and frames for correctional, mental health, and detention facilities – proudly making all …
Kane Detention Products - KaneInnovations
Doors from Kane Detention serve as high-security passage control systems through secured or unsecured areas. Our doors operate as access protection points for cell fronts, recreation …
TrussDoor® Hollow Metal Doors - Coastal Detention
Trussbilt's TrussDoor® hollow metal door and frame system is widely recognized as being the highest quality security, jail and prison door products available. Our steel hollow metal doors …
Sally Port & Correctional Doors - Electric Power Door
Sally Port doors on correctional facilities are known for repeated opening and closing cycles – as many as 200 to 300 times a day. That’s why EPD’s four fold doors are so popular. You can …
Prison Doors and Detention Hollow Metal Products | American Steel Products
As a premier prison door manufacturer, American Steel supplies the products the detention industry requires. View our list of detention security doors, frames and other hollow metal …