Wu, Jiang | Department of East Asian Studies - University of Arizona
Jiang Wu is currently a professor in the Department of East Asian Studies, director of Center for Buddhist Studies. He received his Master's degree from Nankai University (1994) and Ph.D. from Harvard University (2002).
Jiang Wu - Wikipedia
Jiang Wu (born 4 November 1967) is a Chinese actor. He starred in Zhang Yimou's To Live (1994), and Zhang Yang's Shower (1999). He is the younger brother of Jiang Wen and is or was [which?] a member of the Beijing Experimental Theatre Troupe. [1]
姜武 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
姜武 (1967年11月4日 —),原名 姜小兵, 河北 唐山 人, 中国 男演员,毕业于 北京电影学院 表演系。 中国国家话剧院 演员。 姜武的哥哥为演员 姜文,妹妹 姜欢。 2009《生日快乐! 安先生》 ^ 伍翩翩. 姜武陪老婆美国生子. 成都商報 (新浪網). 2004-12-28 [2019-09-01]. (原始内容 存档 于2019-06-10) (简体中文).
UArizona East Asian studies professor awarded 2023 Guggenheim ...
2023年4月6日 · Wu was awarded $60,000 to fund his project "Scripture and Modernity: The Obaku Buddhist Canon in East Asia and the West," an examination of the canon created in China and reproduced in Japan, which led to the founding of Ōbaku-shū, one of three major schools of Japanese Zen Buddhism originating in China.
巫江 中文主页 电子科技大学主页平台管理系统 - UESTC
巫江,Wu Jiang,电子科技大学主页平台管理系统巫江,Jiang Wu
Jiang Wu | UA Profiles - University of Arizona
Jiang Wu 吴疆 was born in Dalian, China in 1969 and grew up in Luoyang, a city rich of culture and history, in central China. He attended Nankai University (Tianjin) from 1987 to 1994, earning both BA (Philosophy and Tourism English) and MA (Chinese Philosophy) degrees.
Jiang Wu - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
S Li, M Ware, J Wu, P Minor, Z Wang, Z Wu, Y Jiang, GJ Salamo. Applied Physics Letters 101 (12), 2012. 159: 2012: Interface engineering of high efficiency perovskite solar cells based on ZnO nanorods using atomic layer deposition. S Li, P Zhang, Y Wang, H Sarvari, D Liu, J Wu, Y Yang, Z Wang, ZD Chen.
Jiang Wu | The University of Arizona - Academia.edu
Jiang Wu is professor in the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Arizona. His research interests include Chinese Buddhism, especially Chan/Zen Buddhism and the Chinese Buddhist canon, Sino-Japanese Buddhist exchanges, and the application of GIS tools in the study of Chinese culture and religion.
吳京 (演員) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
吳京 (1974年4月3日 —),中国演员、电影导演及出品人 [2], 一级演员 [3], 中国电影家协会 副主席,第十三届、十四届 北京市政协 委员。 吴京为 武打演员 出身,其主演的電影《战狼》系列(《战狼》《战狼2》)、《长津湖》系列(《长津湖》《长津湖之水门桥》)、《流浪地球》系列(《流浪地球》《流浪地球2》)均在中国内地取得不俗票房成绩,主演作品累计票房超过300亿人民币,一番主演票房超过200亿人民币,为中国影史首个达到此票房成就的演员 [4]。 妻子 …
Wu, Jiang | Center for Buddhist Studies | University of Arizona
Dr. Jiang Wu is currently a professor in the Department of East Asian Studies, director of Center for Buddhist Studies. He received his Master's degree from Nankai University (1994) and Ph.D. from Harvard University (2002).