James Raymo - Department of Sociology
Jim Raymo is Professor of Sociology and the Henry Wendt III Professor of East Asian Studies at Princeton University. Raymo is a social demographer whose research focuses on documenting and understanding the causes and potential consequences of demographic changes associated with population aging in Japan.
Raymo, James – Department of Sociology – UW–Madison
Raymo is currently engaged in three projects: In the first, his work on socioeconomic differentials in emerging family behaviors in Japan and the implications of these behaviors for subsequent well-being has demonstrated that, as in other low fertility societies, family outcomes with potentially negative implications for subsequent well-being ar...
James Raymo - Google Scholar
Psychological well-being in retirement: The effects of personal and gendered contextual resources. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social … Later marriages or...
James Raymo - East Asian Studies Program
Professor of Sociology. Director, Princeton University - University of Tokyo Strategic Partnership.
James - jraymo | Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
Director , Princeton-University of Tokyo Strategic Partnership. Interim Director, Office of Population Research.
Raymo, James – Center for Demography and Ecology – …
My current research interests focus on (a) evaluating change over time in socioeconomic differences in family behavior and their implications for well-being at the family level and inequality at the population level, (b) examining socioeconomic differentials in children’s academic performance and well-being, and (c) examining relationships betwe...
University of Michigan, Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship. September 1999 – August 2000. “How does health interface with living arrangements?” Investigator. National Institute on Aging. Period: 9/15/16 – 5/31/20. Budget: $253,665. “Center for Demography of Health and Aging” Training Grant, National Institute on Aging. Principal Investigator.
James Raymo is Professor of Sociology and Henry Wendt III ’55 Professor of East Asian Studies at Princeton University. At Princeton, he is also interim director of the Ofice of Population Research, founding director of the Global Japan Lab, and the faculty director of the Strategic Partnership between Princeton and the University of Tokyo.
James RAYMO - 東京カレッジ
Jim Raymo is Professor of Sociology and the Henry Wendt III ’55 Professor of East Asian Studies at Princeton University. Raymo’s research focuses primarily on evaluating patterns and potential consequences of major demographic changes in Japan.
James Raymo - Office of Population Research
Jim Raymo is the Director of Population Research, Professor of Sociology and the Henry Wendt III Professor of East Asian Studies at Princeton University. Raymo is a social demographer whose research focuses on documenting and understanding the causes and potential consequences of demographic changes associated with population aging in Japan.