January 7 or January 7th - WordReference Forums
2012年1月7日 · The same goes for British English where you can have 7 January or 7th January (pronounced "the seventh of January") In business letters the forms without 'th' seem to be more "modern" nowadays. Example: Thank you for you letter of January 7. (AE) / Thank you for your letter of 7 January.
Non mi ricordo + congiuntivo/indicativo? - WordReference Forums
2014年1月7日 · Un altro dilemma da sciogliere: "Non mi ricordo che cosa (tu) abbia scritto" Oppure "Non mi ricordo che cosa (tu) hai scritto" Il fatto che nel parlato di tutti i giorni la gente utilizzi sovente (per usare un eufemismo) l'indicativo, fa sì che io …
période où / à/dans/pendant laquelle | WordReference Forums
Start date Jan 7, 2009; Y. Yanne13 Member. Czech Jan 7, 2009 #1 Bonjour, j'aimerais bien savoir si toutes ...
How can I write the Turkish letters on my English keyboard?
2014年3月29日 · Jan 10, 2008 #6 You can use this . N. Nilcan New Member. turkish Jan 18, 2008 #7 you can use this website ...
scrambled, over easy/hard, poached, dippy - WordReference Forums
Jan 7, 2006 #1 Hola, gente! Aquí, en los EEUU, cuando vas al restaurante y pides huevos, tienes que decir ...
British English: back in the office vs back to the office
Jan 7, 2014 #1 I feel that 'back in the office' means resuming one's work in the office after a holiday or a leave and 'back to the office' emphasizes one's physical presence back to the office but I was wondering whether it is correct to say 'Is Smith back to his/the office' (from his holiday)?'
be good with somebody or be good to somebody
2017年1月7日 · Hi, A: The people here are very friendly. They are good with me. B: The people here are very friendly. They are good to me. I think B is right. But I heard A when I was watching a China's English TV show today. A was said by an interviewee who is from Syria. Many thanks!
rectificar los discos - WordReference Forums
2015年1月7日 · "Rectificar los discos", en español de México, va más allá de simplemente checar los frenos denun auto. A veces, en vez de cambiar los discos (que suele ser caro), pueden ser enviados a un taller en donde los rectifican, que es el proceso de emparejar los discos con precisión tal que las balatas produzcan un frenado parejo...
La razón por la que / La razón porque | WordReference Forums
2022年1月7日 · Hola!!! Q tal?? Quiero entender porque “por” aparece de repente en las siguientes frases. A) Te explicaré la razón por la que me quedo aquí B) Te explicaré la razón porque me quedo aquí. Los dos son correctos?? Y si la frase A es correcta, por qué es correcta? Es que si una frase...
抱小孩 - WordReference Forums
Start date Jan 23, 2025; K. KaleNovice Senior Member. Chinese Jan 23, 2025 ... who is about 7 years old ...