January 7 or January 7th - WordReference Forums
2012年1月7日 · Hello, everyone. This time, I'd like to ask you about date notation. I wrote #1, but one of my friends corrected it to #2. #1. Japanese people have a custom of eating seven-herb rice porridge on the morning of January 7. #2. Japanese people have a custom of eating seven-herb rice porridge on...
Does no later than include the date? | WordReference Forums
2022年9月28日 · Hi everyone. Does “no later than” include the date? For example, If you could provide all these forms as soon as you can, but no later than Thursday, September 29, 2022, that would be greatly appreciated. Does this include September 29th? This is kind of an emergency, so if any of you could...
See you in/on - WordReference Forums
2011年8月9日 · You're right, volver. Using "on August 30th" is correct. When you refer to one single day, then using "on" makes sense.
early/middle/late+month | WordReference Forums
2007年6月25日 · Hi, We all know that one month has three sections which are defined as early/middle /late +month, for example: August 5,2007-Early August 2007 August 16,2007-Middle August 2007 August 24,2007 -Late August 2007 Please correct them if you find any mistakes. Thanks a lot Runnery
from this day onwards/onward/on | WordReference Forums
2011年12月2日 · 1. onward and onwards are the same word and thus interchangeable. (see also: toward(s), backward(s) forward(s), etc.)
My birthday is (on)? - WordReference Forums
2009年9月20日 · If someone asks, "When is your birthday?", the standard reply is "My birthday is Jan. 1." On the other hand, if someone asks about your birthday after the birthday is over, it is common to say, "My birthday was on Jan. 1."
think of / think about | WordReference Forums
Start date Jan 24, 2025; HenriVerni Member. Français Jan 24, 2025 #1 Hello, I was wondering about the use ...
Opposite of "preferable" - WordReference Forums
Start date Jan 30, 2010; Milktoast50 Senior Member. The keystone state. English, East Coast Suþerbia
Height in AP/APA style - WordReference Forums
2015年2月24日 · When describing height in formal writing, the APA style guidelines provide an example of: She is 5-foot-3. Shouldn't it be plural instead? Feet? She is 5-feet-3? Because feet is plural for foot and if the quantity is more than one, we say feet instead of foot. I've never heard anyone say, "2...
creosote bush - WordReference Forums
Start date Jan 18, 2025; L. Lht011230 Member. Chinese Jan 18, 2025 #1 What is creosote brush in Chinese? ...