Jan: Open source ChatGPT-alternative that runs 100% offline - Jan
Jan is an open source ChatGPT-alternative that runs 100% offline. Ask your questions, brainstorm, and learn from the AI running on your device to be more productive. Download and Run powerful models like Llama3, Gemma or Mistral on your computer. You can also route to more powerful cloud models, like OpenAI, Groq, Cohere etc., when needed.
Jan,一键安装、离线使用,史上最简单易用的AI程序 - 哔哩哔哩
Jan是一个调用GGUF格式模型的接口程序,目前有Windows、Mac、Linux版本,未来还会发布手机版本,目前Windows最新版为V0.4.7版,本文以此版本为基础进行撰写。 GGUF格式发布于2023年8月,HuggingFace或者其镜像网站上有大量资源可以下载。 一、优点. 1、简单:不需要搭建环境,对用户没有编程要求,不需要登陆注册,各种翻墙。 绝对比B站上绝大部分模型简单,真正的解压即用。 2、安全:安装完成后可以离线本地运行,注意看视频,一镜未剪,全部是离 …
2024年1月10日 · 开源工具Jan可以让用户在本地计算机上运行chatbot,而无需互联网连接。Jan支持Mac、Windows和Linux系统,它提供简单的界面下载和使用流行的开源模型,比如LLMA和Mixol等。下文就演示一下如何下载和安装Jan,然后在本地开启类似ChatGPT的界面进行AIGC。
GitHub - janhq/jan: Jan is an open source alternative to ChatGPT …
Jan is a ChatGPT-alternative that runs 100% offline on your device. Our goal is to make it easy for a layperson to download and run LLMs and use AI with full control and privacy. Jan is powered by Cortex, our embeddable local AI engine that runs on any hardware. From PCs to multi-GPU clusters, Jan & Cortex supports universal architectures:
Jan:一款简洁界面的本地AI桌面应用 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
最近用了好几款本地大模型快速安装的软件,之前介绍了 Ollama 、 LM Studio,今天介绍下 Jan。 Jan支持Mac M1/ M2/ M3、Mac (Intel)、Windows、Linux系统。 除了本地模型,它也支持OpenAI API。 它支持的本地模型还特别少,而且单个模型还只支持一种规格,但架不住它颜值高。 官方介绍1月会支持更多的模型。 等不及的伙伴们,可以通过它的导入功能导入模型。 它也像 LM Studio附带了一个内置的API服务器,可以作为OpenAI的API的本地替代品。 对比 Ollama 、 …
JyzePro™: One Pound Gym
Take a walk with JyzePro get the aerobic exercise equivalent of jogging, swimming, or cross-country skiing without the joint and body stress and fatigue. JyzePro engages your upper body and burn more calories. Studies show people can burn 32% more calories*. Add it …
Jan、Mar、Feb、Apr、May、Jun是什么意思 - 百度知道
Jan、Feb、Mar、Apr、May、Jun 是一些缩写的月份名称,分别对应一年中的1月、2月、3月、4月、5月和6月。它们来自于英语的月份名称缩写: - Jan: January (一月) - Feb: February (二月) - Mar: March (三月) - Apr: April (四月) - May: May (五月) - Jun: June (六月)
What is Jyze | Houseofjyze
The practice of jyzism: you lay down jyze in a jyzebook. Echoes from jazz, jive, gist, gyre, jism, jizz, joss, jeez and lots more. Someone starts up a jyzine. Someone's a jyzomaniac. Jyze, jyzed, jyzed, jyzing. Best of all, the word works as several different parts of …
Jyze of the Heavenly Year: Annal Seven of the Jyze Age by ... - eBay
2024年1月10日 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Jyze of the Heavenly Year: Annal Seven of the Jyze Age by Sandefjord, G. P. at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
How to Jyze | Houseofjyze
So here's the original jyze manifesto but a severely tersified and retitled version, copied from the appendix of Jyzeburst. Over the next seven annals of The Jyze Age it changed a lot but retained the jyst.