jannah - Why is it believed that a Muslim will eventually get out of ...
2020年12月25日 · The belief that all Muslims (who are believers) will leave Hell is a belief agreed upon in Sunni Islam. This is in contrast to the Mutazilah and the Khawarij who believed that Muslims who committed major sins would stay in Hell forever, and some of them believed that a person who committed major sins would no longer be a Muslim.
jannah - When people die, do they go directly go to heaven or hell ...
Bismillah Alrahman Rahim. I am not an expert, but IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY, shaheed goes directly to paradise, if they are not in debt, and also those who read Ayat Kursi after the five obligatory prayers will go directly to paradise (according to hadith).
Jannah, it's levels and the extent to which wishes shall be fulfilled
2013年11月20日 · And could you tell more about jannah levels. Usually it is said levels of paradise are equal to the number of verses in Quran and by knowing and practicing a verse in life one goes to higher level. In fact who knows, obeys and practices all verses of the Quran during his life will reach the highest level of paradise.
jannah - Who will be last person entering paradise ... - Islam Stack ...
2017年2月13日 · As Narrated by `Abdullah: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "I know the person who will be the last to come out of the (Hell) Fire, and the last to enter Paradise.
judaism - Will Jews go to Jannah? - Islam Stack Exchange
2016年7月20日 · To answer this question we should go through who shouldn't go to Jannah (Paradise) and define some terms. The ones that are deemed to not enter Jannah are the Kuffar (Kafir). This list could be made longer, but the kafir is the one that is deemed without hesitation.
jannah - Where is Paradise and Hell? - Islam Stack Exchange
2017年2月13日 · jannah jahannam Like any library, Islam Stack Exchange offers great information, but does not offer personalized advice or legal verdicts , and does not take the place of seeking such advice from your Mufti, Imam, or other trustworthy Counselor.
jannah - Is it true that two people who love each other but cannot …
First, In jannah you will have your full choice of whatever you want. However in case of this question, you must know that the love you wanted in duniya must also agree to come with you in jannah at same time. So tell your love to agree to come with at that time and follow all rule of …
jannah - Why Solaiman bin Dawud (a.s.) is the last prophet who …
2014年10月22日 · I have heard that it has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (peace be upon him) as the sixth Imam of Shia Islam that he said: Solaiman bin Dawood (a.s.) is the last prophet who enters the heave...
jannah - Who will be the first person(s) who enter the paradise ...
2015年9月27日 · As an Islamic rule, good Muslims or Mo'menin (God willing all Muslims) will enter the Jannah after Qiamah (Judgment Day). I was wondering who are going to be considered as the first persons who will enter the Jannah (paradise) after the Day of Judgment? Note: Both Shia and Sunni's view would be appreciated.
jannah - Will Jews and Christians eventually enter paradise? - Islam ...
2021年7月29日 · We (muslims) always say that a muslim will enter Jannah if he has done good deeds and worshipped no one but Allah. Even if a muslims is condemned to Jannaham will eventually enter paradise for being a muslim. How does this go for the jews and Christians? Even though they do not believe in muhammad, they did believe in other major prophets & the ...