Date format differences: “1 January (,) 2018” versus “1st January ...
The formats "1 January 2018" and "1st January 2018" are both widespread in Britain. Including a comma before the year is less common and most style guides recommend against it.
dates - Is "on January first" is also correct? - English Language ...
2016年11月29日 · Each of the following is acceptable, however, if you are in Britain, January first is not acceptable (although Americani (z)sation has taken its toll). on January the first; on the …
Which preposition should I use, "on" 1st January or "in" 1st January?
2018年1月17日 · You use the preposition on, not in, with dates. So you say: On the 1st January or on 1st January.
"Start something January first" or "start something on January first"?
2020年3月13日 · The "on" I think stems more from the UK format (could be wrong) , where the full sentence would be "the event happened on the first of January", which by stripping words out …
grammar - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2021年10月8日 · In an out of office email message I am trying to express that I will be on vacation from 03 January 2021 through 28 January 2022 and, given that the last day is a Friday, I also …
ambiguity - Is "until" inclusive or exclusive? - English Language ...
tl; dr - It's exclusive if the situation described is notable by its absence. It's likely to be inclusive if the situation described is notable by its presence. At its heart, until describes when the …
prepositions - "in" or "on" the 3rd week of July - English Language ...
In most scenarios, it sounds natural to say "in the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th week of a month". But below are a few examples where the statements use "on the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th week of the month".
What does "by" mean if we are talking about a date?
2016年4月9日 · 'By' means any time but before the specified time. So, if the deadline is April 12 11:59 pm (i.e. 2349 hr), 'by' would be any time before it. If you upload it exactly at 2349 hr, it'll …
british english - What is the meaning of "date for a date"?
2015年1月6日 · One can only guess, since you have X'd out the actual task: perhaps the date on which some other date must be known? As in, by January 1st we will need to have a clear …
What is the significance of this date wording?
2016年1月30日 · What is the significance of this formulation: "31st January, Sunday, Midnight 2016" It means 12:00 am on January 30 (the beginning of the January 31) or 12:00 am on …