meaning - How should "midnight on..." be interpreted? - English ...
2010年12月9日 · By most definitions, the date changes at midnight. That is, at the precise stroke of 12:00:00. That time, along with 12:00:00 noon, are technically neither AM or PM because AM and PM mean "ante-meridiem" and "post-meridiem", and noon and midnight are neither ante- nor post- meridiem.
writing - How to write date range succinctly and unambiguously in ...
If you can spare some more space, maybe some spaces would be fine to make a clearer reading: 01 JAN 1923 - 31 DEC 1986. Another detail could be turning all those caps in month names to normal capitalization, as in 01 Jan 1923 - 31 Dec 1986. You could even drop the leading 0s 1 Jan 1923 - 31 Dec 1986.
american english - How to respond politely and professionally to …
2015年1月28日 · Thank you for applying to UCB. We would like to call you briefly between the hours of 10:50 A.M. EST and noon on January 31. Please provide primary and secondary phone numbers. Best regards, How do I respond to it politely and professionally? Hi. Please find the requested information below. primary : secondary : Thanks
grammar - Understanding "as of", "as at", and "as from" - English ...
If "as of January 23rd" is adjectival, then not only can it mean. That I need all transactions from the beginning of time (so to speak) till January 23rd, and. That I need all transactions from January 23rd to now? but if "as of January 23rd" is adverbial, it can also mean "As of January 23rd, your job will include getting me all the transactions."
date ranges, up to, through a specific date [duplicate]
2015年3月1日 · In practice, they mean the same thing. If you want to be very (very) precise, the first sentence could be construed to mean that the doctor ceased caring for the patient at some point on the 19th, while the second sentence means that the doctor cared for the patient for the entire day of the 19th.
etymology - Where did the term "How's tricks" come from?
2022年9月28日 · From "Trial of the Wilkinsons: Lawyers Descend to Personalities," in the New-York Tribune (January 31, 1886): Conrad Loos, one of the depositors in the broken bank, said that he had a conversation with Alfred Wilkinson in regard to his property in 1884, after May 5 and prior to December 9.
'in' vs. 'on' for dates - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
edited Mar 31, 2015 at 14:13. choster. 43.6k 21 21 gold badges 108 108 silver badges 166 166 bronze badges.
Where, when, and how did the term 'dogie' for 'orphan calf' …
2022年1月20日 · From "On the Range," in the [Chicago, Illinois] Breeder's Gazette (January 29, 1885), reprinted from the Dodge City [Kansas] Globe: R.E. Steele, manager of the Cimarron and Crooked Creek Cattle Company, arrived in the city Thursday, Jan. 16, and informs us that outside of a few dogies there has been no particular loss of stock in his section ...
"choice words" meaning - English Language & Usage Stack …
2017年5月13日 · And from "The Books of 1884," in The Publisher's Weekly (January 31, 1885): The late Dr. Ewer's sermons were issued in book-form, with the title "Sanctity and Other Sermons;" a selection of Talmage's most important sermons is embraced in the "Brooklyn Tabernacle ;" and some choice words of Beecher's in "Comforting Thoughts." Savage's …
Does "month ending January" mean the end of January, or the start?
2016年2月9日 · month ending, January; month ending, February; month ending, March; etc. … and that would identify them as all belonging to a set. If you had this instead: 31st of January; 28th of February; 31st of March; etc. … it is not as clear that these are all part of a set of complete-month reports.