Do Purple and Blue Watermelons Really Exist? - What About Watermelon?
Similar to the ‘purple watermelon’ hoax, in Japan word spread that there was a fruit called the ‘Moon Melon’. The ‘Moon Melon’ was simply just a red watermelon photo-shopped to look blue …
Does Pic Show Blue Japanese Fruit Known as 'Moon Melon'? - Snopes.com
断言: A photograph shows a blue Japanese fruit known as \u201cmoon melon.\u201d
已被 snopes.com 证实Is Blue Watermelon Real? The “Moonmelon” Is 2nd Biggest Hoax
2020年11月11日 · At least the original blue watermelon’s history doesn’t appear to mention that. The backstory was that this rare fruit was only grown by a few farmers in Japan. The scientific …
Japanese Moon Melon: The Blue Watermelon that doesn’t exist
2020年10月26日 · The image shows photo of a blue water melon and claims that it is Moon Melon – a melon breed that is cultivated in Japan. The image has been shared on Pinterest, …
They do have blue watermelon in the color of blue but they are really expensive and are in Japan
A history of Moonmelon, the most popular fruit that doesn't …
2014年1月15日 · Imagine a beautiful, lucid piece of fruit—a deep, yet vivid, almost electrifying shade of blue. The magic doesn’t end at its aesthetics, though: The Japanese fruit has the …
Is ‘Moon Melon’ Real? Blue Watermelon ‘Asidus’ Fruit Goes Viral …
2014年1月14日 · While it would be amazing to try an exotic Japanese fruit that looks like a watermelon, is the color of a deep Caribbean sea and hits every flavor profile on the human …
Is blue watermelon real? - Chef's Resource
The truth is, blue watermelon does exist, but it’s not as common as the traditional red or pink watermelon varieties. Blue watermelon is a rare type of watermelon that has a unique bluish …
Fact Check: Post showing blue-colored fruit named Moon melon …
断言: Blue-colored fruit named Moon melon
已被 vishvasnews.com 证实Moonmelon - Know Your Meme
2024年12月13日 · Moonmelon is an Internet hoax based on a photoshopped image of a blue watermelon and a copypasta description claiming that it is a fruit native to Japan with a special …