Jarnal Home Page - Java Notetaker and PDF Annotator
Jarnal is an open-source application for notetaking, sketching, keeping a journal, making a presentation, annotating a document - including pdf - or collaborating using a stylus, mouse or keyboard. It is similar to Microsoft Windows Journal and to the earlier Mimeo whiteboarding and Palm notepad applications.
Jarnal - Downloads
Windows: Download jarnal-install.zip and unzip it into a directory of your choice. To start taking notes: double-click on jarnal or jarnal.cmd. Pick up the stylus or mouse and start writing. To annotate a pdf document: double-click on jarnalannotate or jarnalannotate.cmd and choose "open background" from the file menu.
Jarnal download | SourceForge.net
2015年12月17日 · Download Jarnal for free. Jarnal is a plattform-indepenent programm written in Java for notetaking, sketching and PDF-/picture-annotating. It works like a normal notepad with the difference of being digital.
Jarnal download latest version - FOSSHUB
Jarnal is a free, open source program designed for keeping a journal, notetaking, sketching, making presentations and an excellent annotating document including PDF files. It is written in Java which means you can edit and view files on almost any platform.
“Jarnal is an open-source application for notetaking, sketching, keeping a journal, making a presentation, annotating a document - including pdf - or collaborating using a stylus, mouse or keyboard.”
Jarnal 10.75 - Download, Review, Screenshots - Softpedia
2012年8月12日 · Download Jarnal 10.75 - Edit text documents in a highly-customizable canvas which is also fitted with various drawing tools, and features for network collaboration
Jarnal for Windows - Download it from Uptodown for free
Jarnal is an application developed in Java that simulates a piece of ruled paper on which you can write and draw freehand, like you would on a real piece of paper. It has two main drawing tools: a pencil and a highlighter.
GitHub - cstroe/jarnal: An open-source notetaking application …
An open-source notetaking application with full stylus/handwriting features for tablets - an alternative to One Note. Fork of the dead (but original) Jarnal.
Jarnal - Descargar
Jarnal es una curiosa libreta con la que podremos escribir con el teclado o el ratón toda clase de anotaciones, dibujos o esquemas, como si de una libreta de verdad se tratara. Hasta incluye las guías para escribir recto.
Jarnal - Basic
Jarnal is a breakthrough in computer software, comprising thousand of lines of code, and developed at enormous expense of labor and frustration. It enables you to provide your $2500 Tablet PC with the same functionality achieved by a pad of …