Jasenovac concentration camp - Wikipedia
Jasenovac (pronounced [jasěnoʋat͡s]) [6] was a concentration and extermination camp established in the village of the same name by the authorities of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) in occupied Yugoslavia during World War II.
亚塞诺瓦茨集中营 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
亚塞诺瓦茨集中营(克羅埃西亞語: Logor Jasenovac 、塞爾維亞語: Логор Јасеновац 、意第緒語: יאסענאוואץ 、希伯來語: יסנובץ ),二战时间在克罗地亚独立国建立的灭绝营 [3] ,位于亚塞诺瓦茨附近。
Jasenovac | Holocaust Encyclopedia
Jasenovac camp complex operated between 1941-1945 in the so-called Independent State of Croatia. Learn more about conditions and prisoners at Jasenovac.
亚塞诺瓦茨集中营 - 百度百科
JASENOVAC (1945), documentary film with English subtitles
2011年9月16日 · In 1945, two Croatian documentary filmmakers released a seminal 16 minute documentary on the Jasenovac concentration and death camp in the Nazi-sponsored Independent State of Croatia, consisting...
Логор Јасеновац — Википедија
Логор Јасеновац је био први систематски изграђивани логорски комплекс на територији Независне Државе Хрватске, једини који је непрекидно деловао све до краја њеног постојања, највећи по простору који је заузимао, по броју логораша који су кроз њега прошли и по броју жртава које су у њему страдале.
What happened at Jasenovac? - About Holocaust
The Jasenovac Memorial Site has identified by name 83,145 Serbs, Jews, Roma, and anti-fascists who perished in these camps. Conditions in the camps were brutal, characterised by wild violence, torture and sexual violence. Jasenovac is frequently referred to …
Jasenovac Concentration Camp - The Holocaust History
Jasenovac was a concentration camp in Croatia that was in operation from 1941 to 1945. The camp was run by the Croatian Ustasha regime and was one of the largest extermination camps in Europe. An estimated 83,000 people, mostly Jews, Roma (Gypsies), and …
Jasenovac concentration camp - Simple English Wikipedia, the …
Jasenovac concentration camp was the largest death camp and concentration camp in the Independent State of Croatia (ISC) during World War II. It was created by the Ustaše regime in August 1941 and destroyed in April 1945.
WHAT IS JASENOVAC? – Jasenovac and Holocaust Memorial …
The Jasenovac system of Croatian Concentration Camps was built along the model of camps created by the Nazi regime in Germany. By 1941 it was the largest place of torture and execution that ever existed across the territory of the former Yugoslavia.