StefanoTrv/SimpleICD10CM-Java-edition - GitHub
The objective of this library is to provide a simple instrument for dealing with ICD-10-CM codes in Java. It provides ways to check whether a code exists, find its ancestors and descendants, see the data associated with it, including its description, and much more.
StefanoTrv/SimpleICD10-Java-edition - GitHub
The scope of this library is to provide a simple instrument for dealing with ICD-10 codes in your Java projects. It provides ways to check whether a code exists, to find its ancestors and descendants, to see its description and much more.
SimpleICD10-Java-edition | A simple Java library for ICD-10 codes
The scope of this library is to provide a simple instrument for dealing with ICD-10 codes in your Java projects. It provides ways to check whether a code exists, to find its ancestors and descendants, to see its description and much more.
Java Icd10AmProc类代码示例 - 纯净天空
本文整理汇总了Java中 ims.core.clinical.coding.domain.objects.Icd10AmProc类 的典型用法代码示例。 如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Icd10AmProc类的具体用法?
java 创建 61850 icd 文件 - CSDN文库
2024年1月4日 · 在使用Java创建61850 ICD文件时,可以借助开源的ICD编辑工具或者61850标准相关的Java库,比如iec61850库。 这些库和工具提供了丰富的API和功能,能够帮助开发者创建和编辑符合61850标准的ICD文件。
ICD-API samples in Java - GitHub
ICD-API samples in Java. Contribute to ICD-API/Java-samples development by creating an account on GitHub.
no/difi/vefa/peppol-icd所有版本Jar文件及下载 -时代Java
no/difi/vefa/peppol-icd/1.1.0相关Jar文件及下载 -时代Java
Icd10.java example - javatips.net
This class describes the usage of Icd10.java.
航空ICD管理软件的设计与实现 - 91miaoquan.com
设计了一种通用接口控制文档ICD(Interfaced Control Document)管理软件,通过通信端口与总线上的数据进行动态交互,自动进行数据解析、分析,最后将消息实时显示出来。 测试表明,该软件实时性好,可靠性高,并且针对不同系统具有很好的扩展性。 关键词 航空 机载数据总线 接口控制文档. 中图分类号:TP311.52 文献标识码:A. 随着国内外大力投资大飞机,航空通信数据仿真系统也得到了广泛的推广和应用。 不同种类的机载数据总线应运而生,同时仿真测试系统也越 …